33| Your reaction to them getting hurt

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Raymond Palmer

He is lying on the floor, he has just been defeated by Damien Darhk. "Ray!" You shout running towards him. You could see that he wasn't moving. "Oh please don't be dead" you whisper to yourself, kneeling down next to him. You place your hands on his cheeks. You saw all the cuts on his face. "You're so stupid sometimes" you shout at him, tears forming in your eyes. "Please stop shouting" you hear a faint voice say. You look down to see Ray with his eyes open. He tries to sit up, he also takes off his chest armour to show his atom suit. "You son of a bitch" you whisper. He laughs. You hug him pushing him back onto the ground. "Don't be that stupid again" you say in his ear. "I won't be" he confirms.

Rip Hunter

Vandal Savage has beaten Rip until he doesn't look like Rip anymore. He was taken away from the team and you all came up with a plan to save him. You kicked open the door and there, in the corner was Rip cuddling his knees. "Rip?" You said softly, walking towards him. His head props up and he looks towards you. "Y/N, is that you?" He asks you. "Yes Rip, it's me" you tell him, walking towards him. As soon as you reach him you see the cuts and bruises. You hug him, trying to avoid hurting him even more. "Rip, can you walk?" You ask him. He slowly nods his head. You and Rip slowly head back to the waverider and you take him to the medbay. "I'm glad your back Rip" you tell him, kissing his cheek.

Leonard Snart

You are sat, tied to a chair watching your boyfriend get beat up. You can see blood coming out of his mouth and there are bruises forming on his face. "Lenny!" You shout as well as you could. He was soon on the floor, men kicking him. Suddenly there was gun shot heard and the men who were beating up Leonard fell onto the floor, dead. Rip ran into the room and untied you and all you could do was run to Leonard and hold him. He was still breathing but barely. "Lenny, I'm here. Thank you" you whisper into his ear. A smile formed onto his face and you head a quiet "you're welcome"

Sara Lance

Her body was brought into the medbay. The wound on her stomach. The waverider not working so all hope was gone. You sat with Sara not wanting to lose her. "Who did this to you?" You ask her, with angers in your voice. "It was Rip" she said. Your eyes opened wider, "that dick" your shout. Sara coughs and replies with "just sit here and stay with me, please" she asks you. You shake your head and walk off the waverider to find Rip. You found Rip and held a gun up at him, ready to kill him when you heard your favourite voice say "please don't do this". You turn to look at Sara who was perfectly fine. Tears formed and so did a smile. Your girlfriend was fine, however you still shot Rip in the shoulder.

Mick Rory

You were in a Russian prison. Ray and Mick were next to you and all three of you were hanging from chains being tortured just because they wanted Professor Stein to help them. Ray got tortured a lot but as soon as they finished with him, they went to Mick. They tasered him, punched him, hit him with a mallet. He didn't scream but you could see the pain in his eyes. This made you upset. As soon as they finished as you were all back in your cell all you could do was hug him and he whispered "I'm sorry" in your ear.

Jefferson Jackson

Jax has been captured. You and the rest of the team have a mission to rescue him. You walked into a wrecked, abandoned hospital with your gun held high. The first room you walked in Jax was there, say on a chair, eyes closed. "Jax" you shout, running towards him. "Please don't shout" he faintly says. You quickly uncuff him and help him stand up, you both slowly start to walk out of the room. Your hear the soft moans of pain coming from Jax. It hurt you too see him like this. Tears started to fall down your face, luckily Jax didn't see you crying. "I'm so happy I found you" you tell him as you leave the hospital, "I'm happy too" he replies to you.

Nathaniel Heywood

Nate runs in front of Mick and steels up but something don't feel right for you. The gun got shot and it went straight through Nate. "No" you shout, running towards Nate. Nate falls to the floor and so do you, you kneel next to him. "Oh no, Nate. Talk to me" you shout. "Please don't shout" he faintly says to you. You smile. You and Mick help carry him back to the waverider, taking him to the medbay. Once everyone left you alone you say to him "please don't do that again" he smiles and replies with "I promise I won't Y/N"

A/N: sorry for taking so long for posting this chapter and sorry the things got shorter throughout

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