04| Raymond Palmer Imagine

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Requested by @SarahCobbler

Word Count: 958

Marissa's POV

Black. All I can see is black. Laughing. Talking. There is a lot of that. I try to talk but I can't, something is covering my mouth. "Ah, she is awake" I hear a familiar voice say. It was Eobard Thawne. Soon the thing that disrupted my vision was taken away. Stood there was Thawne, Darhk and Merlyn. I try to speak again but all that came out was muffled noises. "Oh Marissa, poor Marissa" Darhk says, moving around me "no one to save you, your team do not know you're here". I pick up a gun, but then my vision is blackened, the gun dropping back on the table. "Do you really think we're that stupid?" Merlyn laughs, freeing my mouth giving me the ability to speak. "You're all bastards, my team is coming to get me and defeat your sorry arses" I say, as soon as Merlyn gave me the ability to speak.

Back on the waverider

"Hey, has anyone seen Marissa?" Ray asks the team as he walks onto the bridge. Everyone shakes their head. Suddenly a message popped up on the screen. It read "we have her. The one with telekinesis. Want her? Give us the spear of destiny for her to live".  Everyone looks at each other worriedly. "It's okay guys, we are going to get Marissa back" Sara says "now Gideon, head a corse to the vanishing point"

Marissa's POV

My vision is still blackened. Mouth still free. "What do want with me?" I shout "why do you wa-" suddenly my eyes close. Then suddenly re-opening them. Suddenly the blackness covering my eyes disappear and stood there was Darhk. "You ready to help us?" He asks, untying the rope, realising  your hands and feet. "Of corse I am, Mr Darhk" I say, standing up and cracking my knuckles. He laughs, cheering. "Have you got her on our side?" Thawne asks Darhk as he walks into the room. Darhk nods his head, smiling. "Right, your mission Marissa" Thawne says walking up to you "kill the legends and get the spear of destiny". I nod my head, "so play nice then kill" I confirm, smiling. Both members of the group laugh and wave me off and I walk towards the entrance of the vanishing point.

Back on the waverider

"Here we are, back on the vanishing point" Gideon says. Sara lands the ship and everyone starts to suit up and open the door. "Hey guys" Marissa says, walking onto the ship. "Marissa, they let you go?" Ray says, pulling her into a hug. "Yes they did, now, let's go" Marissa says, walking back onto the bridge. "Is it just me or it is wired how the legion of doom just let Marissa go?" Jax says, walking back into the bridge too. "Let's just keep an eye on her" Sara says.

"Hey guys, where is the spear?" Marissa asks the team, standing up. "Where it's always been, why do you ask?" Stein asks her, "oh no reason, Stein" she replied. Everyone looks at her confusingly "Stein? You've never called the professor, Stein" Nate states. She rolls her eyes "crap, I don't, do I. I've blown my cover". Marissa pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Aiming at Nate first, however Nate steels up, the bullets bouncing off him. Marissa runs out of the bridge and roams the corridors.

"Guys, Marissa has been mindwiped by the legion of doom. This is not good because of the powers" Sara says, pacing the bridge. Suddenly the doors shut "I told you, already using them" Sara shouts. "Can I kill her?" Mick shouts, pulling up his gun. "NO!" Ray shouts "we can save her, we have Gideon remember. You can fix her, can't you Gideon?"
"Yes I can Mr Palmer, she just needs to be in the medbay for it to happen" Gideon replys to Ray. The team nod, "let's do this" Sara shouts "Ray, find Marissa and take her to the medbay"

Marissa walks around the waverider. She turned out the lights. "Come out, come out wherever you are" she shouts, holding her gun out.  Suddenly someone hits Marissa, making Marissa fall on the floor. "Ray, is that you?" She says, standing up facing him. "Look, the Legion made me stronger, I was weak when I was on this team" she says, throwing punches at Ray, which he missed all but the last one. Ray starts punching you back and started saying "you weren't weak. They haven't made you stronger, they've just changed you". Suddenly, Ray punched her hard on the head and her body became weak and she fell on the floor. "I knocked her out, taking her to the medbay now" Ray says into his coms. He picks up Marissa and takes her to the medbay. "Right, can you fix her Gideon?" Ray asks Gideon "I've already started" the AI says, replying to Ray.

Marissa's POV

I open my eyes, head banging. Stood in front of me is Ray and Sara. "Are you back?" Sara asks, I nod my head "good". Sara walks out of the medbay, leaving just me and Ray. "You knocked me out" I say, placing a hand on the area where Ray hit it. "True, but I did get the real you back didn't I" He says, smiling. "Technically I did Mr Palmer" says Gideon. "Shhh" he replies. "Thanks Ray" I say, hugging him. "You're welcome" he replies.

Back at the vanishing point

"It hasn't worked. They got her back!" Thawne shouts, throwing stuff about. "Darhk's mission failed, so what?" Merlyn replied to Thawne's outbreak. "So what? That spear is out of our hands again!" Thawne shouts again. Darhk and Merlyn just sigh and let his outbreaks just happen.

A/N: I hope you like it. I find it really crap, I'm sorry. I will try write better ones in the future!

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