14| Their reaction when you get hurt

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Raymond Palmer

Pain all around your body. Your hands covered in blood. Sara's hands covered in blood. "Guys, Y/N has been shot" Sara says into the coms. "I'm coming to get her" Ray shouts back, into the coms. Sara keeps pressure on the wound until Ray comes, "we need to get her back to the ship" Ray says, picking you up bridal style and quickly taking you back to the ship and onto the medbay. Suddenly your eyes start to feel heavy, they start to close slowly. "Y/N, please stay awake" Ray says, which was the last thing you heard.

Time passed, which felt like hours to Ray and and team but only moments to you. You gradually open your eyes, and sat next to you was Ray. His face gleamed in the light from all the crying that he has done. His hair was a mess from all the times he has ran his hand through it. "Pain everywhere" you whisper, making him look up. A smile grew on his face, with more tears building up in his eyes and these tears would be tears of happiness not sadness. "It's all my fault" he says, grabbing your hand "it's all my fault that you got hurt" he continues. You shake your head, "no it's not, it's my fault Tiny. I wasn't watching where all the bullets came from and it just happened" you conclude. He smiles and kisses you on the cheek, "let's just thank Gideon for saving your life" Ray finishes.

Rip Hunter

"Guys, quickly get Y/N to the medbay" Sara says, running into the waverider. She goes to Rip. "Captain, Y/N has been hurt and she has been asking for you to be with her" Sara pants as soon as she finds Rip. Rip shakes his head. "No, I cannot be with her at this very moment in time" he replies, putting his hand through this hair, multiple times. Tears start to form in his eyes. He quickly walks away from Sara, into his office and his own thoughts. He paces around his office. Not stopping one bit. "Where's Rip?!" You ask Sara, as soon as she comes into the medbay. "He said he didn't want to be with you at this moment in time" she replies, sadness in her voice. Tears start to form in your eyes. You slowly nod your head, knowing that all hope has been lost. "Guys, I'm going to have a little sleep" you say, closing your eyes. The last thing you heard was Sara and Jax shouting "NO!"

Your eyes soon open again, the bright lights off the medbay hurting them. "Love? Are you okay?" You hear the familiar voice ask you, worriedly. "I'm fine Rippy, it's you I'm worried about" you reply, taking his hand. Tears still came rolling down his face. You smile "there's no reason to be upset, I'm alive aren't I" you continue. Rip looks up to you "it's very good that your alive. I thought I was going to lose another lover of my life" he states. You smile, "well, you haven't lost me yet" you conclude.

Leonard Snart

"What happened to her?" Leonard shouted as you get carried into the medbay. "Vandal Savage shot her" Ray replies. Leonard walks up to you and takes your hand, "why her? You losers were there too, so why shoot her?" Leonard shouts back. "Y/N just went straight to fight him, not following the plan" Rip says, angrily but also with some sad emotion. Leonard kisses your hand, hoping that you will open your eyes

You open your eyes. Suddenly feeling the pain that went through your body. "Lenny?" You softly say, grasping the hand placed in yours. "Yes, sweetheart, I'm here" he croaks. "Have you been crying?" You ask him. He shakes his head "no" he lies. You smile, squeezing his hand again. "Lenny, everything is okay" you reply "there is just some pain in my body". He kisses your hand "well how about next time, follow the mission" he laughs, "I promise I will Lenny" you reply.

Sara Lance

"Crap" you shout as blood came out of your shoulder. However, you continued fighting. Then another bullet comes flying towards you, hitting you right in the stomach. "Guys, I'm down" you groan into your coms. You slowly walk back to the waverider, blood dripping onto the floor, standing out from the whiteness of the snow around it. "Gideon, can you help?" You ask the AI as you sit yourself on the chair in the medbay. "I'll do it right away Miss (Y/L/N)" the AI replies. Your eyes start to feel heavy and droop, "thanks Gideon" you say, before closing your eyes.

"Y/N, please wake up" you hear Sara say. You open your eyes "Sara?" you reply, croakily. "I'm here, lovely" she replies, holding your hand. "Sara, quick question" you say "how many men did you kill when you found out I was hurt?" you ask, she looks down guiltily "a lot" she replies. You pull her hand up to your lips and kissed it. "If I do get hurt again, please don't kill a lot of people it's not nice" you say to her. She laughs, but with tears still coming out of her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.

Mick Rory

"Hey guys, have you se-" you say, suddenly falling onto the floor. Ray and Sara come running over to you, panicking. "Ray? Quickly take her to the medbay" Sara commands. Ray nods his head and picks you up and takes you to the medbay. Suddenly you body started twitching, your heart rate began to spike. "Guys, what's happening with Y/N?" Mick shouts as he walks into the medbay. Ray and Sara shake their heads in reply to Mick's question. He sits down next to you, holding your hand, hoping you will be okay.

You slowly open your eyes, your irises burning from the bright light. You cough a little, making the person sitting next to you jump a little. "Micky, is that you?" You ask softly. "Yes it is Y/N" he replies croakily because he's been crying. You look over to him and smile. He smiles back. "Do you know what happened?" You ask him. He shakes his head "no one does, not even Gideon" he finishes.

Jefferson Jackson

(This is kinda off the season2 Christmas episode)

"Rip, please" you say to your friend. Well, used to be friend. "I'm sorry" he replies sarcastically. Next, there was a gun shot. You felt pain in your stomach, you placed your hands at the wound. You fell to the floor. Eyes closing. Nate and Amaya found you and take you back to the waverider.

It felt like hours since you last opened your eye and when you did you found the whole team around you, except Jax. "Where's Jax?" You ask them, all shake their heads except Stein. "He's gone to find Rip" he says. You stand up, suddenly feeling dizzy but you carried on walking. Everyone told you to sit down but you just carried on walking. You soon got to Jax, who was holding a gun up to Rip. "Jax, please, put the gun down and come back" you softly say. He shakes his head "no, he did it to you so I'm going to do it to him" he says angrily. "Please, Jax. Today's Christmas, come here" you softly command. He drops the gun and walks over to you and hugs you. You send knife eyes at Rip. You and Jax walk back to the waverider hand in hand

Nathaniel Heywood

"I'm so happy your back in my arms" Nate says, hugging you tightly. "Ow" you softly say. Nate suddenly looks guilty and releases you a little. You softly smile. You and Nate sat with each other, hugging. Suddenly you close your eyes and your body weakened. Nate starts to panic and quickly takes you to the medbay. "Gideon, do you know what's wrong with her?" Nate asks the AI, worriedly. "She has been seriously injured while in the hands of the Legion of Doom and its effecting her" Gideon replies to Nate.

As soon as you opened your eyes you sat up and saw Nate asleep. Hair a mess. Beard unshaven. Tear marks on his face. "How long have I been asleep Gideon?" You ask the AI. "6 months" she replies. Your eyes widen. "Nate" you whisper, touching his knee. He opens his eyes and looks up. A smile grew on his face, "Y/N, you're alive" he croaks, embracing him into a hug. You smile and tears start to form in your eyes. "I'm alive" you reply. He looks at you and kisses you passionately.

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