13| Which time period you get scattered to

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Raymond Palmer

You get scattered to America 1954

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Bright lights flash all around you and suddenly you end up on a street. People walking past you, in bright clothing. Many people started at you whenever they walked past. You decided to walk up to someone and ask "hey, excuse me, what year is this?", the man looks at you strangely, "why, you're in 1954" he says. You nod your head and look down at your outfit and whisper to yourself "no wonder people are staring", the man looks at you  "huh?" he says, you look at him, smile and shake your head "thanks for you help".

Rip Hunter

You get scattered to England 1510

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Light surrounds you, so bright you have to close your eyes. You feel a cold breeze hitting against your face. You slowly open your eyes. "That son of a bitch" you whisper to yourself. You look at your surroundings. You finally realise you're in a castle. "Hail, intruder" you hear someone say. You roll your eyes and look at them. It was King Henry VIII. "Your highness" you smile, bowing.

Leonard Snart

You stayed on the waverider with Mick Rory

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Lights beam all around you. Soon the rest of the team gone, well except Mick and Rip. "Where is everyone?" You ask, getting up from out of your seat. "I've time scattered them" Rip says. "And you didn't have the decency to do it to us?" Mick says. "Well both of you are severely injured" Rip says "so this is what I'm going to do". Suddenly Rip did something to Mick, knocking him out. "No!" you shout, putting you hand up. You try to punch Rip but he dodges. "I'm very sorry (Y/N)" he says, doing the same thing he did to Mick, to you and knocking you out also.

Sara Lance

You get scattered to France 1916

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Bright lights blur your vision. Soon you land in dirt. Guns firing. People grunting and moaning. "Crap, not this year" you say, tears forming in your eyes. "Nurse" you hear someone say, you turn to look at them "why are wearing that and not your uniform" you sigh, "I'm sorry sir, I'll get into it right away". You walk into the tent, to see wounded men. Making your eyes water even more.

Mick Rory

You get scattered to America 2017

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Lights burn your eyes, causing you to close them. Suddenly, you felt your body hit the hard ground. You slowly open your eyes. "I'm back in 2017?" You say to yourself. You stand up and look around, your in Central City. You decide to go to STAR Labs.
"Barry? Cisco? Caitlin?" You shout walking into STAR Labs. "Y/N, you're back in 2017" you hear Cisco say, you nod your head "yeah, Rip did something and I landed back in 2017" you reply to Cisco. "Come with us. We'll look after you" he replies. You nod your head and follow Cisco.

Jefferson Jackson

You are scattered to America 2021

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. Bright lights surround you. You soon land on a bed. "Hello?" You shout, wondering who's house you are in. " Y/N, your here?" You hear Oliver say, opening the door. "Oliver? You're so old" you say, sitting up on the bed to get a better look at him. "Yeah I am, but your not" he replies. He comes over to you and sit on the bed, next to you. "Have you just come from the waverider" he asks, you slowly nod your head. "How'd you guess" you asked him, resting your head on his shoulder. "You've been there since 2016, rarely coming back. This is the first time I've seen you in ages"

Nathaniel Heywood

You get scattered to America 1930

"And I'm sorry" Rip says. A white light takes over your vision. You soon land on a hard floor. "Ow" you whisper. People suddenly start to surround you, trying to help you off the floor. "I'm okay" you say, standing up and brushing the dust of your trousers. "Lady, are you okay? Where do you come from" a man asks you. It's was a young Rex Tyler. Hour Man. "Rex?" You question. "You know me?" He asks. You slowly nod your head. "It's a very very long story" you say. Rex takes your hand and takes you to the JSA centre to ask you some questions and to recruit you for the JSA.

A/N: I know, all of the flashback start the same it makes sense though.

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