77| Mick Rory Imagine

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Requested by: bookwormwolf

Word Count: 758

You do get jealous

"Aberration in medieval England" Sara says, walking into the bridge. You smile, you love that era. Kings, Queens and other serious titles. When you where younger and you lived in England, you have always wanted to be a Duchess or even a Queen but once your parents moved you to America that dream came to an end. You went to go get some medieval clothing with Amaya. "I'm in LOVE with medieval England" you say to Amaya, exaggerating on the word 'love'. She laughs. "I don't like it that much to be totally honest" she replies, fixing her outfit "too many dresses". You laugh, putting on you headwear. "Keep your eyes on the aberration" Sara says, looking directly at you. Your cheeks redden and nod your head. As you all walk out of the invisible waverider, a castle was in your view. Tears of happiness started to form in your eyes. You have always wanted to go to a castle in medieval England. "Looking sexy" you hear Mick whisper in your ear as he walks past you. All you could do was smile as you cheeks redden for the second time.

You all walk into the castle, with knights either side. "And who are these people?" the kind says. "Sir, these people where trying to break into the castle" one of his knights said. He walked in between you all he then stopped in front of you, looking up and down your body. "Let them go and show them to their chambers" he commanded, eyes still on you. You were taken to a large room which contained all the usual stuff. You were minding your own business when the king came into the room. "Do you like it?" He asks, walking closer to you. You smile and nod your head "oh, I love it" you replied. "So has this beautiful lady also got a beautiful name?" He asks you. "Y/N" you reply, with your cheeks turning red again. "Yes she does" the king answered, now very close to you. As the king was flirting with you in your chambers, Sara walked past looking in and seeing what was happening she decided to make it stop. Sara knocked on the door and both yours and the kings heads turned "I'm sorry your highness, but do you mind if I take Y/N away from you just for a second" she asks, innocently. "Not at all" the kings replies, sighing at the end. You smile at the king and and walk with Sara. "Do you see what he is doing?" Sara asks you. You pull a confused expression and shake your head. "He's flirting with you" she finishes. "Don't tell Mick" was all you could say. "Don't tell Mick what?" a booming voice asked you, as a pair of hands went around your waist. "Oh, nothing babe, it's nothing" you reply. You turn around and kiss him on the cheek. "Meals" you hear someone shout. This made Mick happy. You all head to the great hall to start your feast. You went to go to sit close to Mick but a knight instructed you to sit closer to the King. Throughout that whole feast, the king was intertwining his legs with yours. He was placing his hand on yours. You looked towards Mick to see he did not know about the flirtation , yet, because his mind was set on food.

After the feast finished, the king was still being very touchy feely and to be truthful, you enjoyed it because you always wanted a king to love you. However, this is the time when Mick noticed. The king was taking hold of your hands, leaning in and whispering stuff. All you could do was blush and smile. Mick watched from a distance, hoping everything would end. After time passed, he knew that it wasn't going to end so he approached you and the king. "Your highness" Mick says, gently pulling you away from the kings grasp and kisses you, passionately. All the king could do was turn away his head in disgrace. After the jealous kiss ended the king said "I'm sorry for everything" softly. You smiled and hugged him "there'll be someone out there for you, your highness" you reply. You come out of the hug, and walk towards Mick. "Come on doll, aberrations been fixed and it's time to go home" he tells you. You nod you head and jump onto his back "take me there" you shout, laughing. Mick laughed and walked back to the waverider.

A/N: I really hope you like this one! Don't forget to vote, comment and request your own imagine!

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