120|Rip Hunter Imagine

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Word count: 606

Requested by: @zefresoia45

The princess and the captain

Princess Victoria, the third cousin of Queen Victoria. Princess Victoria, the only one in her family without a lover. As you all know, women in the 1800's are advised to get married. Victoria hasn't met anyone that she has fallen in love with until one day.

Victoria was busy travelling down to London to see her cousin, the queen of England, when her cart soon stopped. Then an attractive looking man opened her door and smiled. "Hello, sorry to intrude but you're in danger" he tells her and holds out his hand. Victoria hesitated at first, she didn't know who this man was, why and how she was in danger. She then thought that this man would be able to save and protect her so she took hold of his hand. His hand was soft and Victoria believed that their hands fit perfectly together.

This strange man took Victoria to futuristic looking spaceship. "Good lord" Victoria says as she walks into the spaceship. The strange man suddenly came to his senses, "I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Captain Rip Hunter" he says, smiling at Victoria. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rip, I'm Princess Victoria" she replies. He smiles at her as they continue to walk around the ship. They got to a room, all made up with things from the 1800's. "This is the room that you are staying in until the danger is through" Rip tells Victoria. She looks into the room and smiles "but where are the ladies that help me to get undressed? Do you expect me to get out of this, all on my own?" Victoria asks Rip, Rios shakes his head. "I'll bring someone" He replies. She nods her head as Rip turns and walks away. Victoria doesn't know what is happening to her, she is falling in love with a man she has just met and he isn't a prince at that. She just imagines what her family would do if they found out about her new love interest.

~a few moments later~

"Hello there" a strange woman says, walking into Victoria's bed chambers. "Ah hello, you must be here to help me with my dress" Victoria asks her. She nods her head "yeah, Rip asked me to help. My names Sara" Sara tells Victoria. Victoria smiles "thank you very much" she replies. Sara starts to undo Victoria's dress and they was an unnecessary silent. "So, Miss Sara, is Captain Hunter wed?" She asked. "What?" Sara asked, taken back. Victoria started to say it again when Sara stopped her. "No, he is not wed, his is in no relationship" Sara replies, finishing with the dress. The dress gently fell off the floor, leaving Victoria in her undergarments. "What shall I put on?" Vicky asks. "Here" Sara says, handing her a top and some bottoms. Vicky pulled a shocked face. "Just put them on" Sara said and Vicky did as she said. Vicky decided to have a little wander around the ship when she bumped into Rip again. "Ah, Captain Hunter" she addresses him. "Please, call me Rip" he replies. Vicky smiled, causing Rip to fall head over heels for her again. Rip couldn't stop himself and he lent in and kisses Vicky. Vicky kisses him back happy to what is happening.

~A few days later~

"Your highness, you are safe to go back home" Rip tells Vicky, grabbing hold of her hand As farewell. "Am I allowed to stay here? With you?" Vicky asks, really not wanting to leave. Rip smiles and shut the cargo bay door. "Of corse you are" He replies, kissing her passionately.

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