131| Raymond Palmer Christams Imagine

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You're not on the waverider for this imagine. You're at your home on Earth with Gracie

25th December. Christmas Day. Your 2 year old daughter jumped on your bed. "Your daughter is awake" You sleepily day, poking your husband on his side, then turning on your opposite side to try get some more sleep.

"Merry Christmas Gracie" Ray greets your daughter. "Mewy Cwistmas Daddy" she replies, jumping onto him to give him a hug. He wraps his arms around her small, frail body and laughs. "Shall we wake mummy up?" He asks, whispering. Gracie nods her head and giggles. Ray places his finger on his lips and Gracie copies, silencing her giggles. Ray and Gracie start to tickle you and place kisses on your faces "okay, I'm up, I'm up" you say, laughing and sitting up. Gracie climbs onto your lap and rests her head on your shoulder. "Merry Christmas Y/N" Ray says, leaning in. "Merry Christmas Raymond" You reply. Ray puts his hand over Gracie's eyes and leans into kiss you. "Daddy" Gracie laughs, moving Ray's hand from her face. "Shall we go downstairs and see if Santa has come?" You ask Gracie. She excitedly nods her head. You all get out of bed and head downstairs. "Santa's been, Santa's been!" Gracie shouts, jumping up and down, as Ray opened the door.

As she ran towards the presents, Ray slinked his arm around your waist. "We've spoilt her a lot this year" he whispers in your ear. You nod your head "but hey, she has you as a father" you reply, kissing his cheek.

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