70|The teams opinion on you two being together

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Raymond Palmer

They think you two are cute together. They are actually happy that he has found someone that makes him happy.

Rip Hunter

At first they were surprised that you started going out with him because of his wife and child but they soon decided you two are cute together.

Leonard Snart

They all believe that the thief stole your heart but they do find you cute

Sara Lance

They find you and Sara cute together. Jealous of how perfect your relationship is.

Mick Rory

They are surprised that Mick actually has a girlfriend but they are happy for your two.

Jefferson Jackson

They love having young love birds on the ship. They always bug you two whenever you're cuddling.

Nathaniel Heywood

They're surprised that you fell in love with the historian when you love adventure and science. But they find you a cute together.

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