57| Your first date

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Raymond Palmer

Your first date was in the 1920's and he took you to a really nice restaurant. When you went back onto the waverider you both cuddled in his bunker

Rip Hunter

Your first date was in 2022, he took you to a restaurant and let's say that restaurants in the future are very different

Leonard Snart

Your first date was stealing a pretty diamond back in 1980. At first you wanted something romantic but when it was in motion, you loved it!

Sara Lance

Your first date was in 2017 because I'm all the other years no one accepted you guys, so you went to see a film and went to a restaurant.

Mick Rory

Your first date was Mick taking you out for a dance in 1920 and surprisingly Mick is very good at dancing and being romantic

Jefferson Jackson

Your first date was also in 2017, he took you to a movie and a restaurant and when you got back you cuddled

Nathaniel Heywood

Your first date was in the 1980's, you guys went out dancing to the 80s music because your both in love with it

A/N: this was kinda rushed because I made it this morning. It's was requested by @LeenDabaja don't forget to vote and comment!

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