81| Raymond Palmer imagine

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Requested by: @constantine-io

Word Count: 624


Doomworld is living hell

Leonard wrapped his arms around your waist, you lean your head back into the crook of his beak. "Hey there" you softly say. "Hey beautiful" he replies, kissing your forehead. You then heard a cough which made you jump. It was your boss Eobard Thawne. "Sorry sir" you say, moving away from your boyfriend Leonard. "I want you to go down to you know where and check on our staff, okay" he demands you. You nod your head "of corse sir" you reply. You give Leonard a quick kiss and walk to this place.

As soon as you walked into the place you heard glass smashing. "And someone clean that up" you heard Mr. Jackson shout. "Mr Jackson" you shout, causing him to look at you. "Ah Miss. Y/N" he says, walking over to you. "What was all that about?" you ask him, crossing your arms. "Just some worker not working to his full potential" he replies "I'm sorry but I have to go now" he finishes, walking away from you. You continue walking around, watching the staff at their work. You suddenly bump into someone "hey watch where you are..." you start to shout but when you looked at this janitor, you felt something weird. A sensation of that you know this man. You once loved this man. However you shrug it off an walk away with him saying a quiet "sorry". Soon your phone started ringing.

"Hello" you answer. "Hey sexy" your boyfriend says "come to Thawne's office. He wants to see us all" he finishes "okay, I'll be there soon" you reply and then you end the phone call.

Once you got to Thawne's office Leonard went and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your neck. "Right, I want you three to take Mr Haywood somewhere and...kill him" Eobard demands. When he said that yourself, Leonard and Mick's faces had large grins on your face. Leonard dragged Mr Haywood out of the office and into a car. You sat in the back with Mr Haywood while Leonard and Mick were sat in the front.

"Stay in here" Leonard says as all the boys got out of the car. You gave him a kiss and everyone else got out. The next thing you know is Mick knocking Leonard out and brining Mr Haywood back into the car. "What this fuck is going on?" You shout at Mick when he got back in. "He says that my theories are right" Mr. Haywood says, butting in. "Shut up Nate" Mick shouts causing both of you to be quiet.

Mick drove to this small house. He took both of you in and there was the man you bumped into, the one that you think you love. You sat down and ignored everything that the boys where talking about. The thing that caused you to come out of your own thoughts was when Nate punched Mick."hey! Why did you do-" you say, not finishing because Mick zapped you with something. You then remember everything and you punch him in the face "you are a dick!" You shout. He then does the same thing to Ray, Ray also punching him and calling him a dick.

While Nate and Mick were talking, yourself and Ray where hugging. "You don't know the hell I've been in" you say "Leonard Snart was my boyfriend" you finish off. He pulls you out of the hug "what?" He says, pulling a weird expression. You nod your head "but I love you Raymond" you say. You give him a long, passionate kiss. He also returned. The kiss broke and he replies "I love you too Y/N". You heard Nate cough and say "now we have to find the rest"

A/N: Hope you enjoy this imagine. Don't forget to vote and comment. Also, don't forget you can also request your own imagine

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