190| Raymond Palmer Gif Imagine

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You walk into Ray's office at Palmer Technologies

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You walk into Ray's office at Palmer Technologies. "Raymond?" You call out wanting to know where he is. He has just ditched you on date night. You walk further into his office to see some hologram come up. It looked like a suit of some kind.

"Raymond Palmer, is this why you ditched your girlfriend on date night" You shout, making him jump.

"Oh Y/N, hi" he says, quickly turning off the hologram. You fold your arms and frown.

"What was that?" You ask him, walking closer to his computer screen "The atom? What that?" You ask him.

"Erm, it's, it's something" he stutters, running his hand through his hair, "I want to protect Star City" he confesses "and the atom will help me do that" he finishes.

"Raymond, it's going to be dangerous" you tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck "why can't you just leave it to the Green Arrow?" You ask as he wraps his arm around your waist.

"Because I want to do something which has an impact" he admits "and I don't think Palmer Technologies is going to help with that" he finishes. You smile, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Let's leave the superhero costume for later, we have a table reservation which we need to get to" you tell him, he smiles and nods his head, letting go of you and putting his blazer on.

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