137| Nathaniel Heywood Christmas Imagine

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"Mummy. Daddy" your little son shouts, jumping on your bed. "James, sit down" you command, sitting up. He sits down and giggles. "Santa's been" he whispers. "And how do you now that?" Nate surprisingly says, siting up. "Because it's Christmas and I've been a good boy" he states. You laugh and ruffle James hair. "Can we go downstairs?" James asks. Both you and Nate nod your heads. He jumps off the bed and runs downstairs. You quickly follow behind him. "James, slow down" Nate shouts, following from behind. You got into your living room to see him already opening presents. "I think he gets this off you" you whisper into Nate's ear, kissing his check afterwards. Nate laughs and wraps his arm around your waist as you continue to watch James open his presents.

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