29| your first I Love You

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Raymond Palmer

You're sat in the kitchen with Ray eating cake. Chocolate cake at that. There was one slice of cake left. "You know we just ate a full cake to ourselves" Ray laughs, wiping the crumbs off his trousers. "Yes, but it's the nicest chocolate cake I've ever had" you reply to him. You both go pick up the last slice. "Oh no Palmer, that's my slice" you tell him. He moves his hand and says "only because I love you". You open your eyes wider and look at Ray, "you what?" You ask, "I love you Y/N and I keep forgetting to tell you so here we are, I love you" he replies. You lean in a kiss him passionately. As you come out of the kiss and reply with "I love you too Raymond" and you pick up the last piece of cake "but not as much as this chocolate cake" and you start eating it.

Rip Hunter

You and Rip are in the Wild West with a gun being held up to your head. "This is fantastic" says Rip, clapping his hands together. "How is this fantastic? We are going to die!" You tell him, running your sweaty hands on your trousers. He grabs your hand. "Rip if we die I want to tell you something" you say "I love you" you finish. "Yeah, I love you too" he says rushed.
*later on*
"Y/N, come here" Rip says to you. You walk towards him and he wraps his arms around your waist. You rest yours on his neck. "I know last time was rushed but I love you and I want you to remember that" he says, kissing you on your cheek, "I love you too Rippy" you reply.

Leonard Snart

You walk into the kitchen to see your boyfriend drinking. "Babe, are you drunk?" You ask him, as you sit down. He shakes his head "nope, this is my first one" he replies. You smile and take his hand "good, I need to speak to you" you say "you know we are time travelling, getting shot at every 5 minutes and we don't know when we are going to die" you continue as he nods his head "so I need to tell that I love you. I love every little thing about you and I'm so happy that your my boyfriend" you finish. He smiles and comes closer to you. "I love you too Y/N, I love everything about you too" he replies to you and he kisses your nose, making you smile.

Sara Lance

You turn on your music. Sara grabs you and places her arms around your waist and you put yours resting on her shoulders. "Dance with me" she says. You smile and nod your head. You both sway too and fro, you place your head on your shoulder and smile. "You know I love you, don't you Y/N" Sara whispers in your ear. You look up to her and smile, "I love you too Sara" you reply to her and kiss her passionately.

Mick Rory

"Can I have a go if you gun?" You ask Mick again for the 10th time. He sighs and rolls his eyes "no, Y/N, it's too dangerous" he replies to you, for the 10th time. You sigh and lean against the wall. "You know I love you but you can be mean sometimes" you tell him, pouting and crossing your arms. "You love me?" He replies, shocked. You smile and nod your head, "of corse I do, that's why I'm your girlfriend" you tell him. "Well then, I love you too" he tells you, handing over his gun. "Really? I can have a go?" You say, jumping up and down. You grab it and point it "sure, I'll let my girlfriend have a go once" he replies, helping you aim and fire.

Jefferson Jackson

You sit in your bunker, reading a book. There was soon a knock on the door, you look up from your book and see Jax stood there with two cupcakes in his hands. "Jax, you brought cupcakes?" You ask him, placing your book down. "I think that's what I'm carrying in my hands" he says, walking over to you and sitting in front of you and hands you a chocolate cupcake. "Omg, I love you" you splurt out and start to eat your cupcake. Jax just stares at you, not even touching his cake. "Are you okay?" You ask him. He nods his hand and replies with "you just said that you loves me". You laugh and nod your head "I do love you Jax" you reply to him. He smiles and replies with "I love you too Y/N"

Nathaniel Heywood

You walk into the library and you see Nate sat in there on his own. "Hello metal man" you say, walking toward him. "Hello gorgeous" he replies, not looking up from his book, "why aren't you asleep?" He continues. You cross your arms "and I can ask you the same question" you tell him. He laughs. You walk over and sit on his lap, "read to me Nate, it would make me sleep" you tell him. He reads his book out loud and you close your eyes. A while later you hear him whisper "I love you". You smile and with a faint reply you say "I love you too metal man"

A/N: these are so shitty, I'm very very sorry.

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