64|you tell them your pregnant

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Raymond Palmer

You look down and see the positive pink cross confirming that your pregnant. You smile but sigh. Now was the difficult part, telling Ray. You go into your bunker to find Ray sat there, eating a packet of crisps. "Hey babe" you say to him, sitting down in front of him. "Are you okay?" He asks you, with a concerned look on his face. "I need to tell you something" you say grabbing hold of his hand. "What is it shorty?" He asks you. You sigh and smile. "You're going to be a dad" you tell him. His eyes opens widely and a huge smile formed on his face. "Is this really true?" He asks, placing a hand on your stomach. You smile and nod your head. "I'm going to be a dad" he confirms. He kisses you with happiness.

Rip Hunter

You sit in the medbay "Gideon, are you sure about that?" You ask her. "I'm positive Miss Y/L/N" Gideon confirms. A smile grows onto your face. Now you have to tell Rip. You walk into his office to see him sat at his desk. "Hey Rippy" you say walking towards him. "Oh, hey Y/N" he says, not looking up from his work. You go and sit on his lap to get his attention. "Y/N, can't you see I'm busy" he says angrily. You put your mouth to his ear and whisper "I'm pregnant". His eyes open widely and a grin forms on his face. "Oh my, that's amazing" he says, looking into your eyes. "Oh I love you" he tells you, kissing your cheek. "I love you too" you reply to him.

Leonard Snart

Leonard Snart, the man who is scared to be a father because he doesn't want to have the same outcome on his child. This is the day he has to take a risk. You walk into Leonard's bunker, your hands on your stomach. "Are you okay little one?" He asks you. You slowly nod your head. "I need to tell you something Lenny" you start to say "don't get upset or anything" you continue. He walks over to you and places his hands on your shoulders "I won't, I promise" he tells you. "Okay" you start "I'm pregnant" you whisper. His eyes open widely and he steps back from you, sitting down on his bed. "Lenny, are you okay?" You ask him. He slowly nods his head "I guess so" he tells you.

Sara Lance

(Sara's is gonna be adoption)

You pick up the paper and smile. The adoption paper says you and Sara can adopt. "Hey Sara, look" you shout to your girlfriend as she walks into the library. "What have you got Y/N?" She asks, taking the piece of paper. As soon as she starts reading it a huge smile comes on her face. "Finally" she whispers. "This is going to be so good" you reply. You kiss her cheek and smile "I love you Mommy" you say, "I love you too Mom" she replies to you, laughing.

Mick Rory

There, in your eye view was the double pink lines. You're pregnant. You walk into the kitchen to see Mick sat there eating junk food. "Hey Mick" you say to get his attention. He look ups to you and smiles. "Hey Y/N" he says to you. You go and sit on the chair that is placed next to his. "I have something to tell you" you say. "And what is that?" He asks you. You smile "I'm pregnant" you tell him. A smile grows on his face, "wait, I'm going to be a dad?" He asks, you nod your head confirming his question.

Jefferson Jackson

You sit in the medbay, shocked at the results. You are only young and you are pregnant. "Gideon, please tell me you're lying" you ask her as you hold onto your stomach. "I'm afraid not Miss Y/L/N" Gideon confirms your nightmare. "Oh crap" you whisper to yourself. "Hey, are you okay?" Jax asks you as he passes the medbay. You shake your head, "Jax, I'm pregnant" you tell him. His eyes widen and he walks towards you. He sits down next to you and you lay your head on his shoulder. "We are going to do this, together" he says, kissing the top of your head.

Nathaniel Heywood

You smile as you look down at the object you are holding in your hands. The two pink strips confirmed your future. "Nate" you shout and he walks past the medbay, he walks back and looks at you through the doorway "are you okay baby?" He asks walking towards you. You nod your head and hold out your hand. He picks up the object and looks at the pink strips. "Oh my god" he says. A smile forms on his face. He leans in and kisses you passionately. "This is the best news ever" he says as he breaks the kiss.

A/N: this baby series has started. Tbh it's only a few chapters but there is more in the future. I also have 1k votes! So don't forget to vote and comment. I also have a whouffle one shots book so if you ship Whouffle, check it out!


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