67| They hold your child for the first time

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Raymond Palmer

It's been a week since Gracie has been born and Ray still hasn't plucked up the courage to hold her. "Ray, come hold your daughter" you persuade him, holding your arms which held mini you and Ray. He shakes his head and steps back, "I'm scared I'll drop her shorty" he replies to you. "Well sit down" you say. He hesitantly sits down and runs his hand through his hair. You get closer to him. You then carefully place Gracie into his arms, finishing with her fragile head. You step back and smile. Your two loves together. "I love you dad" you tell him. He looks up to and smiles "I love you to mom"

Rip Hunter

You turn onto your side and open your eyes to see Rip not next to you. You clamber out of bed to see Rip hovering over Jack's baby basket. "Are you okay Rippy?" you ask him, walking over to the baby basket. You look to his face and see tears rolling down it, he slowly nods his head and replies with "yes, I'm just remembering Joanas and when he was this little". You rest your head on Rips shoulder, "well, lets makes this a fresh start for you" you tell him. He nods his head and picks up Jack. "I'm happy that I have a family with you Y/N" he says, kissing Jack on the forehead.

Leonard Snart

"Lenny, will you come and hold Charlotte please?" You ask your boyfriend holding your daughter out in your arms. He shakes his head and walks away. You sigh and place Charlotte into her baby basket. You then lie down on your bed and you close your eyes. For what seemed like a few hours passed and your open your eyes and in your view you see Leonard sat on the chair holding Charlotte. "Brave Lenny" you whisper to yourself. He turns to look at you and smile. He has proudness in his eyes. "I love you" you tell him, "I love you too" he replies, rocking Charlotte.

Sara Lance

It didn't take Sara long to pick up Lucy. Sara has always wanted a daughter and she was so happy that you two could adopt. You and Sara walked to the care home, tears formed in your eyes because of all the children and babies that have been left. The social worker takes you and Sara into Lucy's room and as soon Sara got the chance she picked up Lucy and rocked her. "She is so cute" Sara squeals, kissing her little forehead

Mick Rory

Just like Leonard, Mick was very nervous for being a dad and holding a baby. "Please, just hold one" you groan to your boyfriend because both of your arms were hurting. He steps back but nods his head. You sighed happily as you step forward. He carefully picks up William, "careful of his head dear" you say, using your free hand to help, "there we go" you finish smiling. A smile forms on Mick's face as he gently rocks William

Jefferson Jackson

Jax was very hesitant because of you both being young. You we're both sat together on his bed with Hannah in between you both. Soon Hannah started crying. However both you and Jax went to pick her up. You smile and move away. Jax picks her up and starts rocking her gently, calming her down. Surprisingly, Hannah calmed down quicker than usual, "you have a special touch babe" you tell him resting your head on his shoulder.

Nathaniel Heywood

Nate was very excited to have a son so as soon as he could he picked up James. The first moment you saw him was when you were laying in bed, tired after staying up all night with James. James cries non-stop. Nate saw that you needed to relax so when James started crying again he said "I'll go get him" and he brought him back into the bedroom and James calmed down quickly causing you to smile and fall asleep.

A/N: I'm posting again because you guys deserve it!

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