134| Sara Lance Christams Imagine

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You sat on your couch, drinking a mug of hot chocolate. You listen to the soft Christmas music in the background. "Honey, I'm home" your girlfriend Sara shouts as she enters your shared apartment.

She comes into the room and smiles "I've got you something" she said, handing you a present. You take the present and smile back "you didn't have to" you tell her. You start to open the present and it started you to tear up. It was a picture of yourself and your brother who died 3 years ago. "Sara" you choke, bringing her into a hug "I only got you a necklace" you finish, laughing.

"Well, I don't really need a big gift, you're the only present I need" she tells you. You smile "Merry Christmas babe" you tell her. "Merry Christmas Y/N" she replies, giving you a short but meaningful kiss.

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