31| Another team member catches you two

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Raymond Palmer

You and Ray are in his bunker. You are sat on his lap and he is playing with your hair. You turn to face him, a worried expression forms on his face "are you okay babe?" he asks you. You nod your head. You look down at his mouth and bite your lip. You go on and kiss him passionately. He gladly kisses you back. He lays down on his bed, you on top of him. You two, still kissing. You detach your lips from his and you start to kiss his neck, making him moan a little. "Ray, Rip wants to se-woah" you hear someone say. You both look towards the door at stood there was Jax, hand covering his eyes. "I'll tell Rip you're busy" he says, exiting the room quickly. You laugh and look back at Ray, and you start kissing him again, more passionately.

Rip Hunter

Rip is stood behind you, arms wrapped around your waist. Every 5 minutes, he whispered sweet stuff in your ears such as "you look gorgeous" and "you look sexy in that dress today" and "you know I love you, don't you". You smiled every time. You soon decided to turn around and rest your arms on his shoulders. You could see Rip looking at your lips constantly. He soon leans in and kisses you, passionately. You kiss back, smiling also. You jump up and wrap your legs around him waist. He pushes you up against the wall. "Guys, please. Not where people need to walk" you hear someone say, yours and Rip's lips detach from each other and look to who spoke. It was Sara. You jump down and sigh and you kiss his cheek. "See you later Rippy" you tell him, walking away.

Leonard Snart

You and Leonard lay in your bed, holding each other's hand. You suddenly sit up and lean over Leonard. You have your legs either side of him. Your hands placed on his chest. "What are you doing Y/N?" He asks you, smirking. "Just wait and see Lenny" you reply to him, biting your lip. You lean down, faces near each other, teasing him. He couldn't take it anymore so he sat up and connected your lips together. Your lips moving it sync with each other. You hear the doors to your bunker open and hear someone say, "I guess I'm not sleeping in here tonight", you and Leonard detach lips and smile at Kendra who stood at the door way, "no you're not" you hear Leonard say, who started kissing your neck.

Sara Lance

You and Sara walk into the waverider after a fight with Vandal Savage. "Look at you my sexy assassin" you say to her, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. Sara laughs and turns to face you. Sara leans in and kisses you passionately, you push her up against the wall. You both smile during the kiss. After a while you both hear someone say "guys, not now and not here. Please". You both detach your lips and look towards where the voice came from. It was Rip. "Oh we are so terribly sorry Captain" Sara says sarcastically, keeping her hand around your waist.

Mick Rory

You and Mick are sat in the kitchen drinking bourbon. You are a little bit tipsy. You move closer to Mick, your hand moving up his thigh, making him react with kissing you passionately. You sit on his lap, taking off his jacket. "You know your kinda drunk" Mick says, breaking the kiss. You shrug you shoulder and pout, he smiles and starts to kiss you again. "Guys, not in the kitchen, we have to eat in here" you hear someone say, you break the kiss and look to the door, stood there was Ray. You pout and get off Mick's lap and walk out of the kitchen.

Jefferson Jackson

You sit in Jax's bunker, waiting for him to return back from the mission. The door to his bunker opened and he stood there, a grin on his face. You run up to him and kiss him passionately. "You okay Y/N?" He asks you, as he breaks the kiss. You nod your head "yeah I just want my boyfriend" you reply. He smirks and you mirror that smirk. He kisses you again and you jump up, legs wrapped around his waist. He moves back so you both end up on his bed. Well you think it's on his bed. Someone else walks into the room and says "please, not on my bed" you hear someone say. You detach your lips and look towards the door. "Sorry Ray" you say, you get off the bed and walk out of the room, waving at Jax making him smirk.

Nathaniel Heywood

You're sat on the desk in the library reading a book when Nate walks in. "You know there are chairs in here" he tells you, walking towards you. You nod your head and reply with "tried them and they're uncomfortable". He laughs and walks in between your legs. You smile and place the book down on the desk. You lay your arms on his shoulders and wrap your legs around his waist. You smirk and then Nate kisses you. He then detaches your lips and starts kissing your neck, he soon found your sweet spot causing you to moan. "Guys, please, get a room" you hear someone say. You both look towards the door and see Amaya stood there. "We are in a room" you tell her, kissing Nate again in front of her.

A/N: 2k reads, whoooo

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