56| their reaction to your death

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Raymond Palmer

You feel you body hit the hard ground. The blood spilling out of your body. Ray comes running up next you. He takes off his helmet while he kneels down next to you. "Y/N, stay with me, please" he asks you, grabbing hold of your hand. You smile at Ray, while you touch your wound. "I don't think I can make it Ray" you softly say. Your breathing becomes heavy and painful. "Ray, please look after yourself and don't give people the cold shoulder" you tell him, you then bring his hand to your lips and kiss it. Tears start to form in his eyes and roll down his cheeks. "You're going to make it" Ray tells you, croakily. You felt you eyes become heavy and they started to close. "No, please Y/N. don't leave me" was the last thing you here Ray say before your eyes closed and your pulse stopped. Ray cried and placed his head on your lifeless body. Once he got back to the waverider he sat on his own for days upon end.

Rip Hunter

Rip carries your weak body towards the waverider. "Where are we going?" You ask Rip softly. "Back to the waverider love, Gideon is going to help you" he replies to you. You shake your head and cough up some blood. "There is no point Rip" you tell him. You soon start to feel more pain in your stomach. You fell onto the floor, Rip next to you. Rip quickly goes to you. More blood coming out of your wound. "Rip, you know I love you, don't you" you tell him. He nods his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I can't lose another love of my life" he cried, placing his head on your forehead. "I'm so sorry Rip" you tell him, tears forming in your eyes. Your breathing started to get slower and slower until it finally stopped. Your eyes were still open and Rip closed them. He cried even more, keeping hold of your lifeless body.

Leonard Snart

You're in the medbay with shards of glass moving towards your heart. "How long has she got left?" Leonard asks Gideon. "Not long Mr Snart" the AI replies to Leonard. He grabs your hand and kisses it. Moments pass and you start to have a small attack. "Good....bye....Lenny....." who slowly say, panting. Your pulse started to slow down. Your breathing became painful. Your eyes started to feel heavy. Tears start to form in Leonard's eyes. He kissed your cheek softly. The fragments of glass move closer and closer to your heart when suddenly your pulse stops. "I'm sorry Mr Snart but a fragment went into her heart. She's gone" Gideon tells Leonard. Leonard sits there, doesn't move. Silently crying. Everyone decides to leave him alone, worried about what he would do.

Sara Lance

You are fighting Malcom Merlyn, dodging all of his arrows except one. The one where it headed to your heart, you dodged it a little bit causing it to scratch your heart. "Y/N, no" you hear Sara shout. She runs over to you and catches you while you fall back. "Sara, this really hurts" you tell her, coughing a little. "Well he did just scratch you heart" she laughs grabbing your hand. You suddenly felt someone stick something into your heart. Your breathing suddenly became faster. Your pulse also started to slow down. Your eyes started to be heavy. "I....love....you....Sara" you tell her, "be.....care.....full" you finish off. Your eyes shut. Your breathing stops. Sara screams loudly and starts to kill everyone and heads to find Merlyn because she wants to kill him first.

Mick Rory

You are in the medbay, slits on your throat. You can't talk and it's very difficult for you to breath. "I'm going to kill that sicko" Mick shouts, coming towards you. Your eyes suddenly feel heavy and your start to close them. "Y/N, I love you and I really hope you would stay with me. I don't want to lose you and Leonard" you hear Mick whisper, croakily because he was crying. You move your hand on his and squeeze it tight. "I....love..y-" you start to say but it ends because your heart stops, your breathing ends. "Y/N?, Y/N, please don't be dead" Mick shouts. He run out of the waverider and burns everything, well mainly trees.

Jefferson Jackson

You're on the hard, muddy ground. Bullets flying all around you. Your boyfriend was sat next to you, holding your hands. You have lost a lot of blood. "Hold on Y/N" Jax tells you. "I don't think I can" you tell him, hurting more by doing so. You could see the tear forming in his eyes. "Jax, please don't cry" you tell him, moving your hand to wipe the tears that rolled down his cheeks. You cough up blood and groan in pain. "It hurts so much Jax" you tell him, tears rolling down your eyes. "I know, I'm sorry. I love you baby" he tells you, kissing his cheek. Your breathing suddenly stops. Jax screams loud causing Sara to run over. She looks down at your lifeless body and grabs Jax and takes him back to the waverider. Once there all he could do was cry in his bunker eating ice cream.

Nathaniel Heywood

The dominators got you. They shot you with their gun. You got abducted by them but once you escaped you got shot. "No, Y/N" Nate screams as Ray carries your lifeless body into the waverider. "Nate, can you tell my father that I love him?" You ask him when he comes by your side. He nods his head and tears start to roll down his cheeks. "Please don't go" he asks you. You laugh, "I don't think I can live past this" you tell him, your breath starts to slow down and your eyes start to droop. "I love you Nathaniel" you whisper to him. The last thing you heard was Nate saying "I love you too Y/N". He cries and cradles your lifeless body. Nate went to Quentin and told him the sad news and both of them cried with each other, not wanting to face the truth.

A/N: these are so crappy, I'm very sorry ! Also, don't forget to vote and comment because it takes me a while to write things like this!

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