121| Jefferson Jackson Imagine

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Word count: 294

Requested by: @Roannseal

Young love

Be careful with your powers!" My big brother shouts into the coms. "Shut up Raymond" I reply, letting out more wind with my hands. Suddenly my brother turned up I front of me, "Get back to Star labs now" he shouts at me. I put up my middle finger and stick out my tongue as I walk back to Star labs. I walk into the room where Cisco and Caitlin were. "Why aren't you in the field?" Cisco asks you "Raymond told me to come back because I wasn't being careful with my powers" I tell him, sitting down on the stool.

"Have you thought about what this Captain Hunter is asking you to do?" Caitlin asks me. "I'm going to do it! I would never turn down the offer to time travel, even if I have to do it with my annoying brother" I reply, sipping some of my coffee.

~the next morning~

I started to head to the meet point that Captain Hunter told us to go to. Stood there already was Professer Martin Stein and Jax, my well known friends from star labs. "Hey guys" I say as I get closer. I gave them both a quick hug, Jax acting stranger than usual. "Just tell her" i hear Martin whisper aggressively to Jax. Jax sighed. "Erm, Amelia, I-I like you" Jax tells me, pulling me aside from Stein. I scream on the inside. I've had feelings for Jax for ages now. "Aw Jax, I like you too" i reply, cupping my hands around his face bringing him in to a kiss. "Aw young love" Sara shouts from a distance. "Don't you hurt her" I hear Raymond shout. Jax and I just stuck up our middle fingers as you continued kissing.

A/N: Christmas chapters now coming up! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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