1: Paradise

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Emery's View

I squint my eyes as the suns ray's break through the cracks of the curtain. I try to resume sleeping, but I feel movement beside me. Then suddenly, I feel soft lips on my cheek and her arms wrap around me tightly. I love the feeling of her embrace, she never seizes to make me so happy and feel loved. I open my eyes slowly, looking straight into a pair of beautiful light green eyes. No matter how much time has passed with her, I can never get over her mesmerizing eyes and the adorable freckles across her face. She's hands down the most beautiful person I have ever met and I doubt I will ever come across a person like her.

"Emery, you're zoning off again. Come back to me Em," Gracen whines while leaning down to nuzzle her face into my neck.

I let out a soft laugh and wrap my arms around her waist and I gently kiss her on the head.

"Two years together, yet I still don't know what goes on in your mind at times. I wish I could see what's going on in there," she says shifting her position to straddle me.

Honestly, I'm just thinking about you Gracen. I'm thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you," I say giving her a quick peck on the lips.

Gracen smiles down at me and states, "You are very cheesy."

I smile widely at her and pull her in for another kiss and said, "Yup, I know, but you love me for it."

Gracen stifles a laugh and nods, "Okay okay. You got me there."

We cuddle in bed for a few more minutes, then we get up to have some breakfast. It's kind of our tradition to do pancakes or waffles every other Saturday, it started about a year ago when we first moved in together. Today we decided to make blueberry pancakes, my favorite because Gracen makes the so delicious. We sit at the table to eat and go over our plans for the day.

"I can't wait to finally meet the guy that Clare is dating," Gracen comments unable to contain her excitement about the plan today.

"Neither can I. I'm so glad that Clare has finally met someone who makes her so happy," I add.

I look at the time and notice that it's getting late and we need to do some errands before we get Clare's cake. Gracen and I quickly change and hurry out of our lovely apartment to do errands, and then we head over to the grocery store for the cake. We park and Gracen heads over to the bakery in the store, while I look for Orchids, Clare's favorite flowers. I find beautiful mixed purple and white orchids; I turn around and almost walk into someone.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. Oh, hey there Emery," says my classmate Colby, who sits behind me in my neuroscience class.

"Hey Colby. How are you?" I ask him politely.

I'm doing great now that it's the weekend. I can have some time to recuperate from the test that we had yesterday in our class," he replies.

I chuckle as I say, "I agree with you. Our teacher can be a handful and he's so strict. But what matters in the end is that he is a really good teacher."

I notice Colby looking at me with a dazed smile and he comments, "You sure do have a knack for somehow seeing the bright side of life. It's admirable."

"Um, well thank you Colby," I reply and in the corner of my eye I notice Gracen waving me over, "Colby, I have to go, my girlfriend has the rest of the stuff we need to buy. Bye."

"Okay, well goodbye. Have a nice day Emery," he says.

I walk over to Gracen and she quickly pulls me in tight and gives me a passionate kiss.

"Don't get me wrong, I loved that kiss, but why so possessive right now," I say teasing her with how tight she is holding me.

"Well, don't blame me for being a tiny bit jealous of my girlfriend being ogled by someone else," she replies.

"You mean Colby? Well, you don't have to worry one bit. I don't see him in that way. The only person that I have my mind on is you," I answer back.

Gracen smiles and we head over to the cashier to purchase our things. We head to the restaurant to celebrate Clare's birthday with her boyfriend and Jordie. When we get to the place, I immediately see Jordie and his new boyfriend, Mason. Unfortunately, my brother Ethan and Jordie broke up a year ago, but they are still friends. I knew they both loved each other, but they were on different paths and I guess because of that they just weren't meant for each other. A few minutes later, Clare and her boyfriend walk in and we surround them giving them hugs and we each tell Clare happy birthday.

"Thank you guys so much. I love you all. And, meet my boyfriend Riley," Clare announces and we all welcome Riley.

"We just wanted to wait to tell everyone about our relationship. Riley and I wanted to be positive that we really had feelings for each other before saying anything," explains Clare.

"No need to explain Clare. We understand. We are just so happy to see you two together," comments Gracen.

We eat and after that Gracen and I brought out Clare's cake and we made her make a wish and blow out some candles. Then Riley hugged her and gave her a sweet kiss, they look so cute together. After we finish devouring the cake, we all say our goodbyes and Gracen and I head back home. We spent so much time in the restaurant that it was pretty late out, so when we got home we changed into pajamas and watched pretty little liars for a while. After binge watching four episodes in a row, we decided to go to bed.

I get in bed and Gracen jumps on top of me, crushing me, and I have to tickle her off of me. I wrap my arms around her and push away the loose strands of hair in her face and I smile when I see her beautiful face.

"I love you so much," I say before leaning into her for a long passionate kiss.

After a few seconds she pulls away a little and puts her arms around my neck and says, "I love you to Emery."

We kiss more and soon it gets heated. I pull away so I can straddle her and I gently roam my hands over her stomach under her shirt. Then I grab the fabric and slowly pull it up of off her. We make out a little more and I kiss her neck, making sure to leave a few little marks and I slowly continue kissing down past her collarbone.

Later we lay in each other's arms, just peacefully enjoying every second of this moment we have together. Eventually I drift off to sleep in a state of pure bliss.

Author note: Can't wait for you guys to finish reading this story. Remember to comment all your reactions.

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