34: Things Are Getting Hot

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Emery's view

Gracen comes into the room and I turn around so she can help me with the zipper. I slightly shiver as I feel Gracen put her hands on my back trying to fix the zipper, but she stops. I look over my shoulder and notice her staring at my back. I feel her lightly trace my tattoo which gives me goosebumps.

"Wow, this is a beautiful tattoo. When did you get it?" she asks me still tracing the tattoo in the center of my upper back.

"About a...about a year ago," I reply stumbling over my words as a shiver spreads through my body.

Gracen focuses back on the zipper and she finally fixes it and helps me zip the dress down. Instead of walking out, she stays behind me perfectly still for a few seconds before gently brushing her fingers along my shoulder and slowly leaning her lips close to my neck.

"Gracen, what are you doing?" I ask nervously watching her through the mirror.

Before I can say anything else, she plants a soft kiss on my neck and I clench my mouth shut to stop myself from softly moaning. Through the mirror I see Gracen smirk and she kisses my neck again, making sure to suck one spot making me moan. 

The moment when I lose any self-control I had left is when Gracen bites my neck making me turn around and grab her face pulling her forward so I can kiss the heck out of her. Her arms wrap around my waist as she intensely kisses me back and I move my arms to wrap them around her neck pulling her closer to me. 

The kiss ignites every emotion that I've been trying to hold back for the last couple of days and I can't help but smile into the kiss because of how happy she makes me feel. 

Gracen steps back a little to caress my cheek before pushing me hard against the wall and crashing her lips against mine again. She lifts my hands up and pins them to the wall as she continues kissing me and I intertwine our fingers. I feel her slide her hand to my back and she slowly lowers her hands so she can slip the dress off of my shoulder. She breaks the kiss so she can lean down and kiss my collarbone and can't hold the moan that escapes my mouth. 

I reach around to the back of her dress and I start unzipping it down and I lightly rub her back with my fingers making her moan out this time as her dress hits the floor. Her moan turns me on and I can't help but push her against the wall and I reach down to wrap my hands around her butt and slowly lift her up, she wraps her hands around my neck and kisses me deeply.

"Emery? Gracen? Where are you guys, I need to show you this dress I like," Clare yells out making me open my eyes wide and I immediately put down Gracen.

I help Gracen put on her dress and I zip it up and she gets out of my room to distract Clare while I try to change fast.

"Oh, there you are Gracen...You realize your dress isn't zipped up all the way right?" I hear Clare tell Gracen and I blush.

"Oh, I didn't know," replies Gracen as she zips up the dress all the way.

"Where's Emery?" Clare asks.

"Here I am," I say as I exit my dressing room fully clothed in what I came here with.

Clare looks at me worried and points at me asking, "What happened to you?"

I look down and realize that my shirt is tilted down revealing a slight bruise on my collarbone where Gracen sucked a bit too hard.

"I uh, I accidently poked myself with a hanger," I blurt out.

Clare rolls her eyes commenting, "You are the only person I would believe that would happen to."

I sigh and notice Gracen letting out a deep breath she was holding in as I explained the bruise to Clare. Clare motioned us to follow her so she can show us the dress she really liked.

"A hanger? Really?" Gracen says smirking.

"I'll remind you that you're the one who gave me this hickey now," I tease.

"Right," Gracen says laughing.

I lift my shirt up to hide the hickey and Gracen watches me as I do it saying, "I'll have to do one on the other side later to make it even."

"What makes you think that will happen again?" I ask her harshly.

"I made you moan and you participated in that heated session, I'm pretty sure that is far from over, Emery," she retorts back.

Clare comes back with the dress on and it looks so beautiful on her and Gracen, Jordie and I convince her that she needs to get it. Clare looks at herself in the mirror and she looks so happy, I can't help but smile for her and in the corner of my eye I can see Gracen looking at me. I quickly look away blushing because I remember what just happened between us in the dressing rooms.

Clare ends up buying the dress and not a minute out of the store I hear Jordie's stomach growl.

"Guys, let's go eat," he says and we all agree.

"What do you guys want to eat?" asks Clare.

"I don't know. Clare, you pick," says Jordie.

Gracen walks beside me and mumbles, "Oh, I know what I want to eat, but it's not food," loud enough for me to hear but not for the others to hear.

I probably looked like a wide eye tomato now. I kept walking forward and I did not look at Gracen as we got into the car because I would have just blushed harder.

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