17: Chances

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Gracen's view

Jasmine and I walked into our cultural class and instead of the teacher, there was the supervisor. I was very confused because she never teaches us in a classroom, most often than not she tours us around the city we are studying in.

"Hello everyone. I hope all of you are having a nice morning, if not; I have news to make it better. We are able to let all of you go home for the winter holidays. We are paying for your trips back home and think of it as a reward for all the hard work all of you have put in the last two and a half years. Now i know we are telling you ahead of time, as there are still four more months until then, however we want you to tell your friends and family," the supervisor explained.

When she said that, a rush of emotion overwhelmed me because I would be seeing my family again for the first time this year. I haven't been able to visit more like the prior year and I miss them so much. Then suddenly Emery popped in my head and my heart ached because some part of me wanted to see her too, but I haven't talked to her in such a long time. I wonder what she is up to now.

After the news, the supervisor gives us the day off. Jasmine and I walked around Spain trying to decide what to eat, but It wasn't much help because I was thinking about everyone I left behind back home. The only person I talk to once in a while in Clare, she normally tells me how her relationship with Riley is doing and sometimes if I'm lucky I'll get some information about Jordie and Emery.

Jasmine and I sat down at a delicious restaurant and grab the menu and try to focus on the food, but for once I couldn't.

After a few minutes Jasmine spoke up, "Gracen, what could you possibly be reading, this is like the smallest menu. So you don't have many options."

"Oh sorry, I was just zoning off and thinking about something."

"Are you thinking about visiting home? Or are you going to stay to work on the research?"

"I'm not sure. I would love to be able to get ahead on my research, but i really want to go home to see my family," I reply quietly.

"Is seeing your family the only reason you want to go home?" Jasmine slyly asks.

"Of course, why else would i want to go back home?"

"I don't know, maybe because you are still hung up over someone?" she says smirking.

"I am not still hung up over her, okay. I am so over her," I retort.

"Right. Because, sleeping around and having no serious relationships for the last two years clearly indicates that you are so over her," Jasmine teases.

"You know, this could be your chance to get closure or try again with her," she suggests.

I stay silent as i try to comprehend what she is saying. Another chance with Emery? Will Emery still have feelings for me? Do i still have the same feelings about her?

"Look, Gracen, I'm sorry for bringing Emery up. I know you don't like talking about her. I'm just worry about you, I can tell you are still a bit heartbroken and I just want to see you more happy," Jasmine adds.

Who am I kidding? Jasmine is right, I'm still heartbroken over Emery. I've just never felt the emotions I have with Emery with anyone else in the last few years. No one can compare to her and maybe that's because i still have feelings for her. Maybe it's because i just can't stop loving her.

"Your'e right, Jasmine. I still love her, I haven't stopped," I tell her.

"Oh my god, yay, you finally accepted it. So, what are you going to do when you get home? Are you going to tell Emery right away?" Jasmine asks.

"I don't know. I have no idea if she's with someone or if she is completely over me. I have no idea what I want to do," I say sighing sadly.

"Well, you have four months to figure out your plan before we go back home."

The next morning, I make sure to call my parents and tell them the good news and they are so happy I am coming back for Christmas. I'm happy too, but my mind is a bit chaotic at the moment. After calling them, I lay on my bed thinking. I wondered what I missed while I was gone. Have things changed a lot? Will I recognize my home? Will I see her? Will she still have feelings for me? I asked myself these questions over and over again the next few days.

author note: Here's a bonus short chapter. I couldn't wait until next week to give this to you guys.

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