32: What just Happened?

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Gracen's view

At the park, Luna runs over to the playground with Skyler and Emery and I walk around watching them.

"Luna seems like such a lovely girl," I comment.

"She is. For her age she's really smart and feisty. She's going to grow up to be more sarcastic than me," Emery jokes.

"What No way, I've never met someone more sarcastic than you," I tease.

I look back at Luna and ask, "Has she met her dad yet?"

"No. He didn't want to see her, he actually wants nothing to do with her," Emery responds coldly.

"Have you talked to him?"

"One time, last year. I'm glad that he's not in Luna's life, but I'm sad she'll grow up knowing he didn't want her," Emery explains.

"I think Luna will be just fine. She is surrounded by people who love her and I know you will be such a great sister to her," I comment.

Emery takes a deep breath before saying, "Thanks, Gracen. You always have this uncanny ability to make me feel like everything is going to be okay."

"Hey, I promise I'm always going to be here to remind you that," I say as we sit down on a bench.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Emery comments looking away.

I sigh and prepare myself for what I'm about to do next. I gently put my hand on top of hers making her look at me puzzled.

"Emery, I promise that not a single day passed where I didn't think about you. Some things like feelings never go away or change," I finally say.

Emery looks down, shocked at what I just said and she doesn't say a single word and I start worrying. With my other hand I gently caress her cheek and she relaxes into my touch.

"Em, being with you just feels natural, like I was meant to be here sitting next to you."

Emery slowly shakes her head saying, "So much time has passed, Gracen. You don't know me as good as you think anymore."

"Who are you trying to convince, me or you, Emery? I know how I feel; now tell me what you're feeling. Tell me right now that you don't feel the same emotions that I do."

"Gracen, I...I can't talk about this now," she replies.

"Why not?"

"I just can't," she says getting up and walking away.

I quickly jump up and grab her arm and pull her close to me. Our faces are only a few inches away and if I leaned down I could kiss her. I looked directly in her beautiful dark blue eyes and I swear I could see a spark of passion and longing, I could also see the tormented look in her face as she tried to pull herself away from me, but I wasn't going to let her go that easily. So I leaned down and gently brushed my lip against hers and I nuzzled her nose softly waiting for her to do something.

Then suddenly Emery leaned forward pressing her lips harshly against mine and I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me. Feeling her soft lips against mine felt right, I felt complete with her in my arms. We kiss passionately and hold our breath for as long as we could before we finally broke apart. She nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck and I kissed her forehead.

"Em, I'm tired," whimpered Luna as she walked over to us.

Emery immediately jumped back from me and she looks around wildly trying to process what just happened.

Skyler came over to me mouthing, "I tried to distract Luna, and it didn't work."

"Um, okay. Let's go, Luna. Uh, bye guys," Emery says quickly and begins walking away with Luna.

I looked at their retreating forms dumbfounded. What the hell just happened? Why did Emery freak out? I told her how I felt; she kissed me and now won't look at me.

"What are you standing here for, stupid? Go fix whatever the hell you did," advises Skyler.

I turn and run over to Emery, grabbing her arm and turning her to look at me, "Emery, what happened?"

"I have to go," she says trying to get out of my grasp.

"Hold up. You can't kiss me and run away like that, Emery. I know you have feelings for me," I tell her.

"I don't...I don't know. I have to go now, Gracen. I need to get Luna home. I'll see you soon," she says getting out of my hold and walking away with Luna in her arms.

I stand there completely shocked at how the situation went. Skyler walked over to me, "Relationships are really complicated, or at least yours are."

"I agree with you on that," I say walking to the car.

The car ride home was quiet, I didn't want to talk about what happened and I was glad that Skyler didn't push it, though I'm pretty sure he saw everything go down. When we finally got home I slump down on the couch and grab a pillow to cover my face and I scream in frustration.

"What's wrong with her?" asked my dad as he walked in the room.

"Girl trouble," answered Skyler.

"So, I take it didn't go as planned with Emery?" asked my mom.

"Kind of," Skyler explained while I continued groaning into the pillow.

I know she still has feelings for me, but I don't get why she is pulling back. What the hell is she so afraid of? Ugh, I'm going to have a long sleepless night thinking about her and that amazing kiss.

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