48: Epilogue part 1

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Emerys view

(One year later)

Its crazy just how fast time flies, in exactly one month I will be able to hold Gracen in my arms again. I cant wait to see her beautiful smile and talk to her in person, instead of through a computer screen. But, what I want more than anything else is to kiss her and remind her just how much I love her.

If someone were to tell me two years ago that Gracen and I would be together today, I wouldnt have believed them. I thought that I closed that chapter of my life, but I guess I never stopped loving her. Even though I was afraid of getting hurt again, I just couldnt hold myself back from wanting to be with her. I love her so much that I was willing to risk my heart again and Im glad I did. Even though we couldnt talk to each other all the time, i knew we still thought about each other all the time. Thousands of miles away, but I could still feel how much she cared about me.

So, this time, we didnt let the distance come between us. Our love was so much stronger now and I can't imagine my life without her anymore. And i never want to imagine it without her.


Gracens view

"Jasmine, please help me," I begged her.

"With What? she asks, What do you need help with?"

"I cant tell you right now. Its a secret. Please help me, I promise its nothing bad. Just trust me and I will show you."

"Fine, where are you going then?" she complies.

"Follow me," I yell grabbing her and pulling her along.

After thirty minutes of walking around the center of town and finally finding the little jewelry shop that I have been dying to go to for a few weeks. I run over to the shop, pulling Jasmine behind me.

"Why are we here? Did you really drag me all the way here to help you get jewelry, really?" Jasmine says clearly annoyed that i made her run here.

"I need your help picking a ring," I tell her.

"Seriously. Why do you need my help," she says leaning against the counter staring at the rings. She opens her eyes wide and looks up at me in shock.

"These arent normal rings!"she yells.

I chuckle and I agree with her. "Oh my god, these are engagement rings. Holy shit, youre buying an engagement ring. Youre going to ask Emery to marry you!" she yells while practically bouncing up and down.

"Now do you forgive me for dragging you all the way here?" I ask.

"Yes of course, oh my god, I'm so happy for you," she says before giving me a tight hug.

Then she pulls away to ask, "Who else knows?"

"No one yet. Youre the first person. Im planning on telling my family right when I get home and asking them for help to set up how I will ask Emery," I explain.

"I'm so happy. My best friend is going to be engaged! You better invite me the wedding!"

"Of course I will, I reply giving her another hug. Now, help me pick out a ring for my beautiful girl."

We walk around the store for an hour. Looking carefully at each ring, but I can't seem to find one that feels right. "Maybe today isnt my day to get a ring," I say sadly heading towards the door.

"Miss, there are additional rings in the back corner over there if you would like to see more," says the shop owner.

"Lets go look, you might find one you like," suggests Jasmine.

"Let me get my lovely wife, Maria, to show you those rings," the man says as he calls out for his wife. She walks out from another room and walks over to help us.

"Hello, darlings. Come with me," she replies as Jasmine and I follow her. She shows us a counter full of rings and asks me, "So, who is the lucky girl?"

I quickly get out my phone to show her a picture of Emery. "Wow, what a beautiful girl. What is her name?" asks the lady.

"Emery," I reply.

"A lovely name. You two make a beautiful couple," she replies.

"Thank you, its so cool that you are so supportive of me wanting to marry a girl."

"Who am to judge who you want to marry? I see it this way, if you feel what you have is a deep and true love then it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks. If youre happy and excited to spend the rest of your life with someone that is what should be the most important thing," Maria comments.

I stare at her in awe, trying to figure out why more people cant be like her. "Hey, Gracen, look at these," Jasmine says taking my out of my thoughts.

I walk over and look at each ring, but they are either too small, big or just too sparkly for Emery. "Youre so picky," Jasmine comments.

"I dont want just any ring, Jasmine. It has to be perfect, for Emery,'' I reply as I walk to the end of the counter and stop dead in my tracks as I notice the best ring.

It has a medium sized round diamond that not protruding upwards as much as the other rings. There are also two small diamonds surrounding the main one. Seeing the ring immediately takes my breath away and I know I found the ring for Emery.

"Maria, can I see that one," I say pointing to the ring. She hands it to me and I smile in joy. Its even better up close.

"This is the one," I say and everyone else agrees with me. Maria takes me to the register to start the payment, but she pauses to ask, "Would you like anything engraved on the inside?"

"You can do that?"

"Yes of course. We can put anything you want," she replies. I think about it for a few seconds then realize what I want and tell her. She writes it down on a paper for me.

"Um, how are you going to pay or the ring Gracen, thats a bit more money than I expected," Jasmine asks.

"You know, I did work while I was in school. I had a job and actually made money,'' I tease.

After an hour, Maria comes back with the ring in a small box and hands it over to me. I carefully open it and take out the ring to check the engravement and I start tearing up at how perfect it is. "Thank you so much, Lorenzo and Maria."

Jasmine and I walk out of the Jewelry store and i cant help but smile the whole way back to the dorms. I keep fiddling with the little box in my pocket, imagining how I might propose to Emery when I get back home.


Author note: Sorry for the long waited Epilogue. I had to split it in a few parts because it was too long. Next part will be posted tomorrow.

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