45:The Big Day

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Emery's view

I woke up in the arms of the one person I love more than anything and I couldn't have been happier if it weren't for my alarm going off. It blasted out music and I untangle Gracen's arms from around me to turn it off.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Gracen mumbled as she sat up in bed.

"Nothing, it's just my alarm," I say stretching.

Just as I'm about to get out of bed, Gracen pulls me back in for a hug. She gently caresses my cheek and I look into her light green eyes and get lost in the emotions behind them. She slowly leans in and kisses me and I wrap my arms around her neck.

As we continue kissing I remember just how important the day is and I slightly push her away, "We should get ready, it's Clare's wedding day."

"Right," Gracen mumbles kissing me one more time before getting up.

We quickly put on clothes and Gracen turns to me, "I should go. My dress is at home."

"Okay, I'll see you at the wedding then."

"See you then," she says leaning towards me for another kiss.

I grab her waist and pull her closer to give her a deep kiss before letting her leave. After she's gone I lay down on my couch for a few minutes remembering last night. It felt so right being so close to her. I was also glad I finally told her the truth, it felt like a weight was lifted of my shoulder when I told her. But I wonder where that leaves us now? What are we? Are we even together? How would that work? Was this just a onetime thing between us?

I looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late, so I quickly changed and headed over to Clare's apartment. When I get there, she was all ready to go, but she was freaking out a bit.

"Oh my god, what if I trip down the aisle?" she asks.

"You won't. I have a better chance at falling than you do," I reassure her.

"Oh yeah, that's right. You always fall, especially for Gracen" she teases.

"Hey, no need to bring up my clumsiness or my love life," I joke.

"So, ready to get married?" I ask her.

"I'm so ready. I just want to be in Riley's arms already," she answers.

We get in the car and I drive her to the venue where the wedding will be.


Gracen's view

"Why didn't you come home last night?" asked Spencer.

"Um, well it's a long story," I say smiling.

"That smile. Why are you smiling so much?" asks Skyler.

"Yeah, why are you?... Wait, did something happen?" questions Spencer.

"Well, yes. Emery and I had a rather long talk and one thing lead to another," I say.

"You guys had sex didn't you," comments Skyler, "You can say it, I'm old enough to know what that is you know."

I looked at my brother in shock and rolled my eyes, "Yes, okay. Yeah, we did."

"Wow, so does that mean you two are back together?" Spencer asked.

"Um, well, I have no idea actually," I said pushing them out of my room to change into my dress.

I wonder what last night meant? I hope it means we have a chance to be together. After last night, I can't imagine my life without her.

I pull the ring out of my jacket from last night and I put it in the palm of my hand. It looks so pretty and I can't believe Emery wanted to propose all those years ago. We would have been married by now. And thinking that doesn't sound absurd at all, it sounds natural. If she would have asked me I would have immediately answered yes.

I roll the ring between my fingers a little bit more and decide I want to put it on. I slide it on my finger and I love how it looks. I think I'll wear it during the wedding.

I check the clock in my room and I head out of the houses to get to the wedding. Once I get there I check up on Clare and she looks beautiful in her dress. She seems so happy with such a big smile on her face. Then I turn and see Emery coming into the room and I can't focus on anything else but her. She looks stunning and I want to grab her and pull her in a room and kiss her for hours.

"Everything is ready Clare. Ready to walk down the aisle?" Emery asks Clare who nods her head and tries hard not to cry.

As Clare gets in position, Emery and I walk side by side out to the alter  and Emery whispers, "I just have to tell you, you look so beautiful."

Her comment melts my heart and makes my cheeks turn red, but we keep on walking until we get to the right side of the alter and Jordie is already standing on the left side. Soon after Riley comes in with his parents and lastly Clare comes in with hers.

The ceremony starts and out of everything I have to admit that the exchange of vows is my favorite. I couldn't help but play with the ring Emery gave me when Clare began her vow, "Riley, I promise to love you with all my heart and nothing less. I'm with you now and forever and that will never change...."

Clare continues her vows and I look over at Emery, and she glances over at me. We can't take our eyes of off each other, even through Riley's vow, "Clare, I think I have always known you were the one for me even from across the room that first day we met. Seeing you, and being with you just makes sense. You've changed my life so much and I cannot imagine my life without you..."

They finished their vows and said their I do's and I couldn't help but tear up. It was so beautiful and it made me realize just how much I need to tell Emery that I want us to work. I want us to be together.


author note:

Who else is happy that Clare and Riley are finally married?

What did you guys think about this chapter?

Next update is next Wednesday. 

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