31: Tell Her?

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Gracen's view

The entire night I could not stop pacing around my room, I was just too nervous to stop. The last couple of days I've been nervous an awful lot, I guess the best things in life make you nervous as hell. Maybe if I wasn't nervous then I guess I wouldn't have such strong feelings for Emery, that's the thing about caring for someone so deeply, no matter how long you have known them you can't help but feel like bubbles are rising up inside you when you see them smile. When I look at Emery it feels like I've gotten a break from the thunderous rain storms, being with her feels like going outside and seeing the sun rise above the clouds and shimmer it's warmth along a valley. Sounds crazy, I know, but that's what I feel with her and I've never felt it with anyone else. That's why I'm so nervous; I'm scared that I won't get the chance to be with Emery.

The next morning I wake up to the blaring noise from my alarm and I unplug it and throw it across my room and lay in bed a few extra minutes before getting the courage to get up. I get changed and anxiously watch my mom's kitchen clock, waiting for it to get to 2:30 so I can go to my brother's school. When it hits 2:29 I take off, I just can't wait for another minutes, then I wait around in the parking lot until I hear the bell in the school going off. I hop out of my car and head over to where Skyler told me to wait for him.

"Hey, sis," he says looking up at me with a cheery expression that immediately changes when he sees my facial expression.

"Okay, you need to calm down, Gracen. You only have a few minutes before seeing Emery, so put on your game face and try to act somewhat normal," he advises me as we start walking.

I take a few deep breaths to relax and then I suddenly spot Emery and I choke. I'm over here gasping for air like a fish out of water and over there is Emery looking beautiful as heck. Skyler rubs my back and pushes me forward a little to keep my walking. I watch as a little adorable girl runs into Emery's outstretched arms and hugs her tightly. So, that must be Luna, she's grown so much since the last time I've seen her. Emery picks up Luna and turns and her eyes instantly meets mine and her face lights up with a brilliant smile that enchants the hell out of me.

"Hey, Gracen," she says casually and looks around me to say, "Hello, Skyler, it's been a while since I've seen you."

Skyler and I both say hi back and I speak up to explain, "I'm picking him up today because my parents are busy. Wow, I can't believe this adorable little girl is Luna."

"Hi!" squeaks out Luna.

We laugh and I feel Skyler nudge me to remind me to stick to the plan.

"So, I'm taking Skyler to go eat, would Luna and you want to come along with us?" I ask.

Emery looks unsure and about to say no, but Luna speaks up yelling, "Yes! I want food."

"Uh, yeah, I guess we could go then," Emery says hesitantly.

We decided on a place and separate to get to our cars to drive there. The entire car rise there I couldn't help scream out in joy and Skyler had to cover his ears because I was pretty loud. We park in the lot and get out and meet up with Emery and Luna inside the restaurant. We order our food and Skyler distracts Luna by playing with her, allowing me to talk to Emery alone.

"How's med school going?" I ask awkwardly trying to break the silence between the two of us.

Emery laughs answering, "Good, it hasn't changed from the last time you asked me like a week ago."

"Right, I forgot," I said.

"I'm usually the one who forgets, looks like I'm influencing you again," Emery jokes.

"Well, that's fine, I like you influencing me," I blurt out.

Emery rolls her eyes and asks, "Where have you traveled on your study abroad?'

"Spain, France, Italy, and most of Greece." I say.

"Wow, wish I could visit those places," she responds.

"I'll take you one day. I could be like your personal tour guide," I comment.

"Oh, I'm going to make sure you never forget that," Emery teases.

I stupidly decide to change the topic and say, "I'm still really sorry about the other day."

"I forgive you, Gracen. It's okay. Colby was kind of a jerk anyway, it just took me by surprise to hear you say all those things," she responds.

"Yeah, sorry, I was pretty jealous," I blurt out.

"Why were you jealous?"

Just as I was about to tell her why, the waiters come by bringing us our food and I chose to wait. After we finish eating, Luna begs to be taken to the park and wants us to come too.

"Luna, they probably don't have time to come with us," Emery explains to her.

"But, I want them to come," Luna says turning to me with a cute pleading face begging, "Will you come, pleeeeeeease?"

"Of course I will," I reply.

Emery and I pay for the check and head back to our cars. Emery gives me directions to get to the park and I hop into my car. I've decided that I will for sure tell her how I feel at the park. I'm going to sit her down on a bench and tell her everything. I doubt anyone will interrupt us there. I'm so excited to tell her, but I'm really scared. I don't know what I'm going to do if she says she doesn't want to feel the same way. I guess there is only one way to find out.

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