8: Teasing

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Gracen's view

The bus finally arrives at our apartments and we file out and head in to meet our guide who will be showing us around the place. He calls our names and gives us room keys and tells us to put our stuff away and meet our roommates.

Jasmine and I check our room keys and we have the same number. "Yes, I'm so glad that you are my roommate. Some of the other people here look a bit snobbish," she says.

I'm so glad too. Thankfully I have made a friend, it will make the distance from my family and Emery not as bad as if I were completely alone.

We go to our dorm room and I drop my bags and jump on the bed. It's not as soft as mine back home, but I'm so tired that it feels so good.

"Yay! They gave us the WIFI password," Jasmine squeals as I was about to close my eyes.

I immediately get up and turn around, scaring Jasmine in the process. "I need that password," I say and Jasmine hands it to me without a word. I guess she can see how eager I am to talk to someone.

I quickly input the password in my laptop and skype call Emery. It takes a few seconds, but she finally answers the call and I feel so happy to see my girl.

"I miss you," I blurt out.

Emery smiles and replies, "I miss you too, babe. I also love you so much."

"Oh my god, is that the one, the only Emery!" Jasmine squeals in excitement while jumping up and down.

Emery looks at me in confused amusement, "Yes, I am."

"Hey, Emery. I'm Jasmine, I'm Gracen's roommate," Jasmine adds.

"It's so nice to meet you Jasmine. Make sure to take care of my girlfriend there. Don't let other girls flirt with her," Em says.

"I promise," Jasmine says saluting Emery.

"Hey, guys, I'm right here remember," I say loudly making both of them laugh.

"It's not my fault that I'm excited to talk to Emery. You wouldn't stop talking about how amazing she is the whole ride from the airport to here," Jasmine says snickering, causing me to blush.

"Oh, so you think I'm that amazing," Emery teases making my face red from embarrsment.

"Not only did she say how amazing you are, but also how in love she is with you,' Jasmine adds again.

"Oh my god, Jasmine," I whine out trying to cover my heated face.

Jasmine laughs and says, "I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone for now. Try not to have too much fun," before closing the door behind her.

I look back at my laptop and catch Emery looking at me with a huge smirk. God, this women is beautiful.

"What other amazing things did you say about me?" she teases.

"Oh, you know, the usual. How smart, caring, funny and insanely hot you are," I add smirking back at her this time as she blushes.

"Oh, shut it, you're beautiful too. So, how was the flight?" she asks.

"Ugh, the flight was so long and uncomfortable, and I'm so tired now. But, Rome is so beautiful. We passed by so much on the drive here and I am in love with this place. It is so magical," I explain.

I talk for about what seems like ages, until I notice Emery start yawning more and more. "What time is it there, Emery?"

"Oh, it's 5 a.m."

I widen my eyes in shock, "I'm so sorry Emery. I didn't mean to wake you up so early. I didn't even think about the nine hour time difference," I say.

"Hey, Gracen, it's okay. I love talking to you, no matter what time it is," she says sweetly.

"I love talking to you too, but you have to go back to sleep, love. You have to get up in a couple hours for school. I don't want you to be tired," I tell her.

"Okay, okay. I'll go to bed. I love you, Gracen. Send me a message later," she says with her eyes half closed already.

I chuckle and say, "Good night, Em. I love you so much." Then we hang up and lay on my bed, I'm very sleepy too so I decide to take a nap.

Even in my dreams, there is Emery. Only in my dreams can I touch her. Where I can wrap her in my arms and kiss her softly.


Here is a short, but sweet chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this. Next update will be on Tuesday. Check out my other stories like Dear and Get Used to This.

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