49: Epilogue part 2

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Emery's view

Today is finally the day my girlfriend comes home and I couldn't be happier. I love her so incredibly much and all I want to do is have her in my arms so badly.

I make sure to get up early in the morning to go with Gracen's family to pick her up. We all climb into the car and I sit in between Spencer and Skyler. On the way there, Spencer tells me about her new job and Skyler won't stop talking about finally getting his first girlfriend. The kid is already way ahead of where I was in the romantic relationship department.

We near the airport and my heart starts beating so fast. I'm so anxious to get out of this car and see my girl. We quickly park and all get out of the car to check where Gracen would be coming out of.

Gracen's mom finds the terminal and we all gather around to wait for Gracen to come out. It feels like forever before the first people from her flight start walking out. We are all scanning the crowd of people coming out, trying our best to locate where Gracen is.

Then suddenly I see her in the mass of people and I can't help but run forward to get to her. Her eyes open wide in surprise as she sees me coming straight for her and she drops everything to open her arms wide for me.

I collide into her and almost knock her to her feet, but she finds her balance and wraps her arms around me. "I miss you too, Em, but you could have given me more of a warning before almost knocking me out."

I bury my face in her neck to hide my embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I didn't plan on running into you, it just sort of happened," I reply looking up at her finally. She gives me a beautiful smile and kisses me quickly, before her family spots us and walks over.

I let Gracen go so that she can greet and hug her family. We all ask how Gracen's flight was and she said that she was very anxious. That's weird, she normally never gets anxious on flights. However, I pushed the thought away and intertwine my fingers with Gracen as we head back to the car.

Everyone can hear Gracen's stomach grumbling so her dad asks, "Want to go out to eat?"

"Yes and no," Gracen mumbles while burying her head in my shoulder because everyone laughed at her stomach growls.

"What does that even mean?" asks Skyler as he pokes Gracen in the rib making her yelp.

"It means, I'm not in the mood to go out and eat, but I'm hungry. Can we go home and order something. I'm pretty sure after I finish eating I will pass out," Gracen explains.

Everyone agrees that it's fine and we head back to their home. As we get out of the car and walk into the house, Spencer asks, "What are you in the mood for sis?"

"Hmmmmmm, pizza," Gracen moans out making me laugh at her.

"Yes! Pizza sounds wonderful, I'm so glad to have you back home," Skyler comments.

"Okay, Sklyer and I will go get the pizzas then," Gracen's dad suggests.

"No, I'll get them. I'll let you guys spend time together as a family in the meantime," I added. Gracen is back for the first time in months, I know her family really misses her. I don't want to interrupt family time, so it's best I grab the Pizza.

Gracen gives me one last kiss before handing me the pizza list and I head out the door.


Gracen's view

I wait a few minutes after Emery leaves so that I can gather my family into the living room. "Why are we all here in this room?" Spencer asks.

"I have very big news to tell you," I announce.

"You're going to propose to Emery soon," Skyler blurts out before I can say anything else. I stare at him in shock as my family starts to giggle.

"How did you know?!"

"I mean, it was kind of obvious. You and Em have been together for a while, it's about time you propose to her already. You guys aren't getting any younger," my little brother says.

"I cannot believe that my own brother ruined my announcement and told me I'm taking too long to propose," I say in disbelief.

"Do you already have a ring?" asks my mom. I nod and take out the little box from my backpack. I always keep it near me.

I show my family the ring and they are absolutely taken back by the beauty of it. It's the perfect ring for Emery. Everyone knows it.

"Have you already planned everything out?" my dad asks.

"Um, no. Not yet. I was hoping you guys could help me figure out the best way to propose to Emery. It has to be perfect."

"Sweetie, you know that no matter how you propose Emery will love it, right? SHe loves you so much, I doubt she will worry about how or where you propose. She will be shocked by the sheer idea of you proposing," my mom explains.

"True, but I still won't everything to go right," I reply.

"Don't worry, Gracen. We will help you out with everything. It will be awesome," Skyler adds.

"Thank you guys. I love you all so much," I tell them as i grab everyone and pull them in a big hug.

After the hug, my mom asks, "Have you told your friends or Emery's family yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm planning on doing it in the next few days," I reply.

Then I start discussing different ways i might want to propose to Emery with my family. Soon enough, Emery arrives later with the pizzas and we all dig in.

When we are done, Emery, Skyler and I sit on the couch to watch TV while my parents go upstairs and my sister goes to her home.

After about thirty minutes, Skyler passes out, so it's just Emery and i left. I can tell we are both on the verge of falling asleep as well, but we hold on to spend more time awake with each other.

Emery wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I gently kiss her forehead and say, "I've missed this so much. I love you dearly."

Emery smiles up at me pulls my chin down so that I kiss her. She pulls away slightly to add, "I love you too," before kissing me again.

I can't wait to call her my wife one day and to start a family with her.


Author note: Next update will be sometime on Saturday or Sunday. There are like two or three more parts, then the story will end for good. 

Hope you guys are enjoying these extra chapters. Have a great day everyone. 

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