50: Epilogue part 3

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Gracen's view

After a couple days of spending my time accommodating to my new life back home, I make sure to talk to Emery's family about my plans. They are all accepting and exciting for me to propose to Emery. Her mom and Aiden started crying surprisingly when i told them and Ethan was getting teary as well. After I told them they hugged me so tight and agreed to help me out with the proposal.

Emery always dreamed of getting proposed to or married at the beach, so of course I had to make that come true.

I managed to convince Emery to do a beach party with our families. She thought it was just a get together for our families to hang out and enjoy a day at the beach. She was so excited to go surfing and have a sand castle competition with Skyler that she had no suspicion of what i was going to actually do.

We got there early in the morning to get a good spot near the beach with a bonfire pit. Soon my family and Emery's came with all the extra stuff. We set up the beach umbrellas and the towels first then Emery and I went to go swim in the water for a while. Soon after, my brother and Emery's came in the water as well and we splashed around.

I got tired and got out to get a snack, but i was actually checking in with my parent's and Emery's. The brought the engagement cake that I asked for and also for a bouquet of roses for later as well. I thanked them and went to walk back over to Emery who was trying to build her sandcastle as fast as possible against my brother.

However, both of their castles crumbled and I couldn't stop laughing. They spend another hour, but it was useless. They really suck at making sand castles.

We got hungry and went back to our parents to start the fire so that we could cook some food. After we were down eating we just sat along the bonfire and relaxed. I grabbed a blanket so that i could wrap it around Emery and me. Soon, the sun goes down and the sky is full of beautiful purple and pink hues.

It's finally the right time. I can feel. So, I give my brother the look and he smiles widely. Skyler casually walks over to his bag to get the ring, but he pretends like he is getting a jacket to put on. He walks over to sit next to me and sneakily hands me the little box when Emery isn't paying attention.

Once the box is in my hands I start to tremble. I'm so incredibly nervous, but I take a deep breath to calm myself down before shifting in my seat to face Emery. She tilts her head to figure out what I am looking at her for.

"Emery, I love you so much. So incredibly much. I can say for certain that you are the love of my life. You always have been. And I don't want to imagine another moment without you in my life. There isn't a single day that i want to pass where I'm not married to you," I say while opening the box and showing her the ring.

Her face lights up and a few tears immediately run down her cheeks. She smiles widely and says yes, making me the happiest person alive.

Before I put the ring on her finger she noticed the engraving in the ring. She reads out loud, "I love you."

I quickly put the ring on her finger and Emery pulls me closer so that she can kiss me, then she wraps her arms around me.

Our families start clapping and yelling congratulations, but honestly I don't really pay attention. I'm solely focused on my beautiful fiance.

We decided to have a small wedding, for just our immediate family and some friends. Neither Emery nor I want to go all out on a wedding, we just want the day to be about us and not have a care in the world.

So after five months of being fiances, we finally decide to tie the knot. Emery and I just couldn't wait any longer. We've waited so long to be together that we couldn't do it any longer.

I thought that the happiest moments of my life was hearing Emery say I do, but I was wrong. I was so wrong.

Who knew that after marrying Emery I would encounter so many important moments in my life. Like the time I found out that I was finally pregnant after several attempts at artificial insemination.

Like the time I gave birth to a healthy baby girl who was absolutely beautiful. Emery and I couldn't figure out a name for her, but something finally occurred to me. It was the perfect name for our first little girl.

"How about we name her Dani?" I asked Emery.

She looked up at me and smiled, "I love that." A tear ran down Emery's cheek and she picked up our little girl in her arms and added, "Hello Dani."

We ended up having four kids together. I had the first one then Emery did and then I did and she had the last one. We had two boys and Two girls.

Our eldest was named Dani, she's four years older than her brother Damon. Damon is two years older than our second daughter Dylan. And Dylan is two years older than our second son Davis.

Emery and I have been through so much, but it was worth it because we now have a beautiful family. There's nothing I would every change.

I know I am loved and I will always love my family with all my heart for the rest of my life.

The End


Author note: Sorry for the long wait. Thank you for following me on this long journey. This series was the first I ever wrote. Emery and Gracen's story was the first story that I ever came up with and decided to write down. These characters will always hold a special place in my heart.

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