42: Stars

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Gracens' view

The second I saw Emery my heart melted, she looked so beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes of off her no matter how hard I tried. I promised myself that I was going to keep my distance tonight, but seeing her in a dress with cute makeup made it really hard for me to keep my cool. All I want to do is grab her and pull her behind a corner and kiss her. But I can't. I can't kiss her, hold her in my arms, or tell her I love her anymore. This thought broke my heart because I want her more than anything.

We all sat down and I was placed directly in front of her which made things infinitely harder for me. I just couldn't help but glance at her and think damn she looks so hot. Before dinner people volunteered to do toasts and Emery's brother actually made one. It was a little weird, but overall nice. Every now and then I swear I could see Emery glance over at me smiling and seeing her do that made the butterflies go crazy in my stomach.

After dinner, everyone got up and walked around the area to talk. I wasn't in the talking mood so I walked around the fountain in the garden for a while until someone called out my name.

"Hey, Gracen," said Emery walking closer to sit beside me.

"Hello, Emery," I replied back.

She smiled and looked up at the stars and she looked so adorable under the moonlight, I couldn't help but say, "You look lovely tonight."

She looks over at me with her intense blue eyes and I thought I saw a spark of emotion in them as she replied, "Thank you, Gracen. You look beautiful as well."

She looks back up at the sky full of stars and says, "Do you remember when we tried to go star gazing, but we forgot to check the weather forecast and it ended up being so cloudy we couldn't see anything."

I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, it even rained on us and we had to run back to the car. The storm was so bad we had to spend the night in a motel. That was a disaster."

"Yeah, it was, but I loved it. Every second with you was worth all of it," she said making my heart swell with joy.

"I don't understand you, Emery. One moment you're so distant and the next you tell me these memories," I say, "Why do you do this?"

"I'm a moody indecisive person," she replied.

"Everyone knows that, but why the dramatic changes?"

"Because I love you. I don't want to because I know you have to leave, but I can't help it. When you left and when we broke up I was a mess. I was so heartbroken and I'm scared of that feeling again," she replies.

"I am too. I went through the same feelings as you when we broke up," I said intertwining my fingers into hers.

She looks at me with the saddest eyes and it breaks me a little to see her like this. She says, "No, we didn't. There's something I need to tell you. Something I need to show you that will explain why I pulled away so much, but I can't show you here."

"Okay. Where do we need to go?"

"To my apartment, but not now. Wait until Clare wants to leave, I don't want to ditch her the day before her special day."

"I understand," I say caressing her hand in mine. "We better go back in there then."

I get up, but before I can start walking Emery pulls me back down and gently grabs my chin to kiss me. It's a passionate kiss that we have both been waiting on for such a long time. It makes me feel alive and full of pure bliss and all I want to do is keep kissing her, but she slightly pulls away.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," she says blushing adorably.

"I'm glad you couldn't help yourself. I can't either," I say right before I pull her in for another kiss.

"Hey, Emery? Where are you?" yells out Aiden.


Emery's view

Gracen and I pull away from each other just as Aiden comes over.

"Wait a minute. Was I interrupting something?" he teases as he smirks.

"Yes," I say just as Gracen says no.

Aiden laughs, "You guys never get on the same page when it comes to this."

"Um, Gracen, I need to go have a talk with my brother," I tell her before dragging my brother inside.

"So, my toast worked on you," teased Aiden.

"Just a bit," I say smiling.

"See, I know a bit more about love than I let up on," he says.

"Okay, maybe a little."

"So, are you guys back together?" he asks.

"No, we are complicated. I think it's time I tell her the truth though," I explain to him.

"Are you sure about that?" he asks cautiously.

"Yeah, I need to get it out of my system. I can't keep it from her."

"Okay. Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt even more by telling her," he says.

"I know this will cause a little pain, but I need to explain why I let her go in the first place and why I've been acting distant."

"Hey, just remember I'm here for you if anything happens. Ethan and I might be guys, but you can always come to us about how you are feeling. Love you sis."

"Love you too," I say hugging Aiden.


author note:

What are your guys feelings about this? Do you think after Emery tells Gracen the truth they will end up together or not? What do you think is the big secret?

Also, i know i said i would not update for a while, but all the please update comments are driving me crazy.

So, i will update once a week. Next update will be on Wednesday January 16. Do not comment for earlier updates. Future updates will all be on Wednesdays.

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