4: Let's have Fun

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(warning, there will be sexual tension)

Gracen's view

I get home and see Emery resting on the bed and I decide to jump on her. She squirms under me, but I pin her down and attack her with a bunch of kisses until she starts tickling the heck out of me and I fall out of bed in a fit of laughter.

"You should know better than to jump on top of me, I know all your ticklish places," Emery warns helping me up of the floor and pulling me back into bed with her.

This time she rolls on top of me and rests her head in the crook of my neck. As much as I love being close to her, after a few minutes I'm having trouble breathing because her whole body is on top of me. I poke her sides and she squirms off of me and I grab her face to give her a kiss. Emery gets up to straddle me and she pins my arms above my head as she leans down to passionately kiss me. After holding our breaths for a long time, she pulls away. She looks me in the eyes and I can see all the love she has for me, but her eyes are a little dark, filled with lust and this really turns me on. I slide my fingers under her shirt and slowly rub up her sides making her shiver slightly. I slowly trace circle in her upper back and she closes her eyes and moans out a little. I can't help it anymore so I flip us so that I'm straddling her now.

I bend down and gently kiss and suck her neck and she nibbles on my ear. She pulls my face up so that we can kiss again and I can feel her bundle my shirt in her hands and lift it up over my head. She looks up at me with a lovingly look as her finger travels from my waist up. She slowly unhooks my bra and I throw it across the room and lean down to kiss her again. Then as she kisses down my neck, I help her take off her shirt and jeans. I look back at her and peck her lips and just as I'm about to pull away, she wraps her legs around my butt and pull me in for another make out.

I break away for a breath and I unhook her bra and I slowly kiss down her jaw, making sure to suck her in the right places to elicit a moan. I continue down and slowly take off her underwear and kiss her thighs.

I kiss and suck the inside of her thigh and I feel her nails raking my upper back as I get closer to the spot where she wants me to go. I finally decide that I've had enough fun making her squirm and I directly go where she wants me to making her light up with moans.

After a while of us switching back and forth of having fun, we both drift off to sleep in each other's arms and I couldn't have been more happier.

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