21: Rings

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Emery's view

After hours of crying, I finally call Jordie and tell him everything that happened. He came over as fast as he could and the first thing he did when I let him in was hug me tightly. I cried in his arms and he helped me back to the couch.

"I know. It hurts like hell. I'm here for you," Jordie says as he rubs my back letting me cry.

I cry on his shoulder for a good thirty minutes before I can calm down and look at him, but my eyes are a little blurry.

"Thank you for being here," I tell him.

"What are friends for. But, don't you think you should call Clare, it's best to be surrounded by friends," he advises me.

"Jordie, you know I can't do that. Clare is so stressed right now, she has a lot on her plate. She's so happy right now and I can't bear to make her worry about me," I tell him.

"Okay, but when she kills us later for not telling her, I'm blaming you," he teases which makes me smile a little.

"By the way, I got a bunch of junk food on the way here," Jordie says.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner?"

Jordie laughs and says sorry and he grabs the food for us. I'm still heartbroken, but I'm glad I have people like Jordie and Clare to always count on to be there for me.


Gracen's view

After many hours of being in an airplane, I finally arrive at LAX, and I can't contain the smile that spreads on my lips. In a few minutes, I will see my family for the first time this year and I'm so excited. I'm practically tearing up already and I haven't even seen them yet. I quickly make my way through security and grab my bags and fast walk out of the airport. Then I see them and I drop everything and run over to hug my parents who are waiting with open arms. I practically jump in their arms and they hold me tightly, then I let go to give my sister and little brother a hug. I squeeze the hell out of them and even kiss them on the cheek and I hug my parents again who are laughing so much by my reaction.

"I've missed you guys so much," I say while full on sobbing.

"We've missed you too, Gracen," answered my parents crying too.

I look over at my brother and ruffle his hair, "You've grown so much. I miss you buddy, I haven't had anyone to make fun of so much, Skyler."

"Gee, thanks a lot sis," he says laughing.

We leave the airport and head out for dinner, where I tell them the details of my adventures this year and they tell me what they have all been up to. In that moment, I felt so happy and loved being with my family. The realization of how much I've left behind hits me hard and I can't help but hug everyone again. After we finish dinner, we go home and I immediately run up to my room and jump on my bed. God, I missed my bed so much. It's so comfortable.

Then I remember, I'm supposed to tell Clare I'm back, so I text her.

"Gracen!! I can't believe your back! Let's meet tomorrow at a café," she texts me back.

"Sure. Meet you tomorrow at noon," I text back and put my phone on my desk as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I quickly change and head to the café and Clare sees me before I see her because out of nowhere she tackles me with a hug. Then we order our coffee and sit down to talk,

"I've missed you so much Gracen," Clare says.

"I've missed you too. How have you been?"

"I've been so good, but super busy lately," she responds.

"What have you been up to that has you so busy?" I ask curiously.

Clare smiles widely and slowly lifts her hand up to show me her ring finger and there's a beautiful ring there.

"Oh my god, you got engaged!!" I yell.

"Yes! Riley asked me about two weeks ago."

"I'm so happy for you! When will the wedding be?"

"See, that's why I'm so busy now. The wedding is going to be on December 30," she says which caught me by surprise.

"That's sooner than I expected."

"I know, but Riley and I decided we want to get married now. We can't wait any longer."

"That's so romantic."

"I know. Also, I have a serious question to ask you," Clare suddenly says.

"Will you be my bridesmaid?"

I look at her in shock and immediately yell yes and Clare squeals in excitement and hugs me.

"One serious thing, and I understand if after I told you, you wouldn't want to be my bridesmaid anymore," Clare says making me scared.

"Clare, I will be your bridesmaid no matter what," I reassure her.

"Okay. Are you going to be okay helping me make wedding plans with Emery, she's my maid of honor?" Clare as when I heard Emery's name I got choked up with emotions.

Yet I still said, "There will be no problem, Clare. I'm so happy for you."

"So, I take it there is still a lot of planning to do?"

"Yes! Ugh, I didn't know planning a wedding was this consuming, but I can't wait for the big day that I get to say I do to Riley."

Clare and I talked a bit more about her wedding plans then we talked about what has happened in our lives lately, but I didn't bring up Emery. I had no idea what to ask Clare and I was still nervous about making wedding plans with her after not talking for a long time. I wonder how she will react.

It gets late so we say goodbye and I head home. The moment I entered my room, I lost it. I broke down thinking about Emery, I want to spend all my time with her, but what if she doesn't love me anymore. I was scared to see her, but I can't back away now.

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