25: Shorty

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Gracen's view

We arrived back at Clare's to eat our takeout and by the time we entered her apartment my stomach was growling so loud. We all quickly set up the table and started eating, this was something I missed so much. I missed this closeness and ease with my friends, normally on my study abroad program we are always on the move.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice everyone else ducking as Jordie was trying to tear a ketchup packet. He put so much force that he ripped it in half and squirted ketchup on my face.

"Jordie, "I yell out as close my eyes to try to prevent from ketchup going in them and I try to grab around for a napkin.

"I'm so sorry," Jordie replies laughing.

"It really doesn't sound like you are," I say back, still looking for the napkin.

"Here, let me help you," Emery says as she shifts closer to me and grabs a napkin to wipe the ketchup off my face.

"You have ketchup everywhere," Emery laugh, "Come with me to the kitchen so I can get a wet paper towel to get all the ketchup off."

She helps me up and with one eye open I try to navigate my way to the kitchen with Emery close behind me. I hear her turn the faucet one to wet the towel and she turns to me and grabs my chin to wipe my cheek and eye, but she's too short so she uses her tippy toes to reach my face.

I smirk and can't help myself, "Your shortness is still too cute."

Emery smiles and rolls her eyes at me, "Lean down a little," she commands.

I do as she asks and continue to tease her, "How did you reach things from the cabinets without me?"

"I used a chair," she responded as she wiped off the last of the ketchup from my face.

"Thank you," I told her sincerely, "You always look out for me no matter how much time has passed."

"I'll never stop. Now, stop getting so sentimental over me cleaning ketchup of off you," Emery says smirking.

We walk back to the table with the others and continue our meal. When we finish, I offer to help Clare clean any dishes, but she won't let me. Instead, Clare and Jordie nominate Emery to do the work even though I know she hates doing the dishes. However, neither Clare nor Jordie are letting her get out of it, apparently, they take turns washing the dishes whenever they eat at each other's apartments.

Emery grumpily heads to the kitchen and I hear her turn on the faucet again. Clare and Jordie discus seating arrangements for the weeding and I decide to head into the kitchen because I've had enough of wedding planning for the day.

I turn into the kitchen to witness Emery accidentally splash herself with water making me laugh. Emery turns around and turns bright red because she's embarrassed that I saw. I walk over to her and put my hand out and she gives me the sponge.

"I know how you hate putting soap on the dishes. So, I'll make you a deal," I tell her.

"I'll take the deal," she blurts out impulsively.

I widen my eyes in surprise, "But you don't know the deal, how do you know I'm not scamming you?"

"Really, Gracen. I trust you, you would never scam me when it comes to washing the dishes," she replies smiling.

"Your right. Well anyway, I'll wash the dishes this time and you convince Jordie to give me a ride home. I don't want to bother Clare for a ride, she's stressed enough and needs to rest," I tell her.

"I agree. Of course, I'll make him give you a ride home."

I quickly finish washing the dishes and Emery, Jordie and I say bye to Clare and promise to meet her in two days for more wedding planning. I walk beside Emery and when we make it to Jordie's car, I sit in the back seat and instead of sitting in the front seat next to Jordie, Emery sits next to me. I'm a little shocked, but happy that she chose to sit next to me. It gave me a spark of hope that even though we broke up and haven't talked for a long time, I still might have a chance to fix things between us.

"Do you remember where my parent's house is?" I asked Jordie.

"Yeah, I never forgot. I remember always going over to your house for boy advice or to drop of Emery," Jordie says bringing up old memories.

"Now that I think about it, I made you like my chauffeur," Emery teased Jordie.

"yeah, I know!" Jordie replied laughing.

"God, I miss those days of us always hanging out together, going on fun adventures," I said.

"Same here, feels like such a long time ago. Back then, we had all the time in the world to do fun things, now all we do is either work or study," Emery said looking down sadly.

"We can make the most of our time this month, Clare should have the best month for her wedding," I said.

"I agree," Jordie replies as he parks in my driveway.

I turn to Emery to hear her response, but she's looking up at my house and I can hear the wave of emotion in her voice, "I haven't been here in such a long time."

Emery turns away from me quickly to hide her expression, but I can tell seeing my home sparked something in her. Was she remembering all our moments that took place in my house? Does she miss being in a relationship with me? So many thoughts were swirling around in my head, but Emery snapped me out of it.

"It was nice seeing you again, Gracen. See you soon," she said abruptly.

I looked at her for a few seconds, but she wouldn't look back at me. I turned to Jordie and could see confusion all over his face and when I mouthed if she was okay, Jordie shrugged. So, I opened the car door and hopped out, but I turned around to face Emery and tell her, "Goodnight, Em. I had so much fun with you guys. Bye, see your two soon." I faced my home and walked up the steps, my heart was aching because I was walking away from the one person I've wanted to see in such a long time, but I don't dare look back. If I did, I know I would run back to the car and kiss her, but I can't do that yet.


author note: Bet you guys weren't expecting a chapter update today.

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