26: Memories

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Gracen's view

I enter my home and rest my back against the door replaying all the seconds I spent with Emery today. I close my eyes to prevent the tears from forming, and then I hear my name.

"What's wrong?" asks Skyler deeply worried as he comes closer to me.

"Nothing, pipsqueak."

"Doesn't seem like nothing. And don't you think I have outgrown the nickname pipsqueak," he says coming over to give me a hug.

"You will never outgrow the nickname. And, don't worry, I'm perfectly fine," I tell him trying to give him my best smile.

"You're a horrible liar," he says hugging me tighter.

"Hey, have you two seen my bag? What's wrong?" Spencer asks as she comes into the room.

"Gracen is having a sad moment for some reason," Skyler blurts out before I can cover his mouth.

"What happened?" Spencer asks walking over to us.

"Nothing, just like I told Skyler."

"You know, I've lived with you for many years and I know when you are lying," Spencer says smirking.

"That's exactly what I said!" Skyler yells out in astonishment.

"See, siblings know each other," Spencer says laughing, "So what happened?"

I sigh and finally give in telling them, "I saw Emery today."

Both of my siblings widened their eyes and looked at each other before looking back at me. They were speechless for a few seconds before Skyler spoke up, "So, did she, like, reject your kiss or something? Is that why you're sad?"

"NO! I did not try to kiss her!" I say.

"Why not?" Skyler questions.

"Well, because we broke up a while ago and I haven't talked or seen her in a long time," I try explaining.

"Skyler, you're not supposed to go around kissing your exes," Spencer says laughing her ass off.

"But, what if you still have feelings for them, like Gracen?" he asks looking at us.

"I do not!" I yell.

"The fact that you yelled that out, but are an emotional wreck after seeing her today, states otherwise," Spencer deducts.

"I hate you guys," I say groaning and walking into the living room to sit on the couch.

"No, you hate that we are right," Skyler says smirking at me and I roll my eyes at him.


Emery's view

I'm looking up at the dark sky in pure awe as the stars twinkle in the distance of space. Everything seems so peaceful and quiet and I'm enjoying the heck out of this moment lying down next to her. I feel her shift next to me and I turn to stare at her gorgeous eyes that I love so much. We just stare lovingly at each other for a few seconds before she speaks up, "I love you."

I smile brightly and whisper back, "I love you, Gracen. Now and forever."

She smiles too and leans in to passionately kiss me and we break apart to snuggle closer to each other and look back up at the sky.

I wake up from my dream and look around my dark room searching for Gracen, but then I remember everything between that memory in my dream and the last three years of my life. So many emotions are going through my head making my heart ache, but I lie back down in bed and try to go back to sleep. I can't help but shed a few tears though.

The next morning I try to distract myself by cleaning up my apartment. I vacuum my apartment and make sure to clean all my counters and cabinets of any dust. Then I head over to my room and look through all my drawers, getting rid of any trash or unwanted things. I look under my bed and find a few old homework assignments, shoes and a box that I forgot about a long time ago. I grab the box and dust it off and take it to my living room. I sit down on my couch and open the box to find a bunch of old pictures that I kept over the years. I find hilarious pictures of my brothers which I will use to embarrass them later for sure, and then I find pictures of my friends. I look through the stack and I slightly gasp as I find a picture of Gracen and I.

I remember taking this picture one day when we were having a picnic in the park. It was her idea to distract me from stress about school by surprising me with a picnic. I even remember her buying an adorable little picnic basket for the occasion and making delicious sandwiches for lunch. We lied of top of a comfy blanket she brought and we just talked all afternoon, it was so relaxing.

I held on to the picture a little longer than switched to another where Gracen and I were kissing each other. I looked at it for a couple of seconds then put it with all the other pictures and stuffed them in the box. I picked up the box and put it on a shelf in my closet and closed the door and rested my head against it. I sighed and tried hard not to think about Gracen, I don't want to get to attached again just so she can leave when I start getting my hopes up.


author note: Enjoy this random update and follow me on instagram if you want.

my photography account is leslies_pix

gay content account is teddy_writess

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