24: Hungry

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Gracen's view

We walk around the store a bit longer trying to find pretty things at a reasonable price for the wedding, but we eventually get tired and hungry so we leave the store. My stomach was growling and Emery would not stop laughing at me. Damn, I miss her laugh so much. I love the way she shuts her eyes and covers her mouth because she hates her laugh, but not me, I wish I could hear it more often.

Jordie suggests we get food before going back to Clare's, obviously, no one wants to get out of the car to order the food though.

"Okay, everyone say not it at the count of three, the two who don't have to go get the food," Clare says.

We all agreed and before I could register what was happening, Clare yelled, "one-two-three! Not it!"

"Not it," yelled Jordie as well before Emery could open her mouth.

"Okay, Emery, Gracen, can we get a bacon burger and?" said Clare.

"Make that two bacon burgers," added Jordie.

"I hate you guys," Emery said scolding them. I must admit, Emery being pissed off was still hot.

Emery and I got out of the car and headed into the restaurant, boy, was I not ready for the next thing that was going to happen.


Emery's view

Gracen and I waited in line to order and we tried to catch up on a couple of details.

"So, still love turquoise?" Gracen asked.

"I forever will," I say laughing.

"I see you still have humor, that's good. I would have thought medical school would suck that out of you."

"Please, med school can't handle me," I say getting a laugh out of her.

"Oh, still cocky, aren't you?"

"Only when I want to be," I respond back.

"Hope I see more of it, I like it when you're bold."

"Yeah, I remember you loving it," I blurt out by accident. I really wish I wouldn't have said that because I turn red and Gracen looks surprised.

She smiles, "I miss you blurting things out like that."

She's looking at me so sweetly and I kept help but blush more and I bite my lip in embarrassment by accident.

"Woah, your infamous nervous lip bite. Why are you nervous, Emery?" she teases.

I smirk and turn around so she doesn't see how flustered she leaves me and that's when I spot him. I immediately hide behind Gracen because I'm shorter than her.

"What are you doing?" she asks amused.

"Nothing, just trying to get some shade," I say stupidly.

"You realize we are in a fast food restaurant and all the blinds are down. Emery, if you wanted to stand closer to me you should have just said so," she teases making me blush more.

"In your dreams, Gracen. Hey, I'll be back, I have to use the restroom."

"You're still the only person I know who says restroom instead of bathroom," she says laughing.

"Shut up," I say back laughing as I walk away.

I try to hide behind some people passing by so that I don't get spotted by Colby. I really don't want to talk to Colby now, especially since Gracen is here. It would be even more awkward having to be with two exes at the same time. So, I head over to the restroom as fast I can and stay in there for a few minutes, but the risk of running into him right now is high. However, after 10 minutes in the restroom, I know that Gracen is going to be wondering if I'm okay. So, I get out to the restroom and check to see if the coast is clear, and just as I'm about to around the corner to book it outside, I smack into Gracen and almost knock her over. I immediately grab onto her hand to stop her from falling and she looks up to realize it's me.

Gracen smirks, "So, your plan is to make me fall?"

I roll my eyes at her and look around the corner while she asks, "What are you doing?"


"You are not even trying to hide what you are doing."

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

Gracen gently grabs onto my arms and whirls me around to face her and asks, "what's wrong, Emery?"

I sigh and decide to tell her the half-truth, "One of my exes is here and I really don't want them to see me."

I thought I saw a pained expression in her face, but she pushes that away and answers, "See, that wasn't hard to tell me. Okay, I'll get the food and you make a run for it out the back door over there."

"Thank you, Gracen."

"You're going to have to find a better way to thank me," she smirks, then heads over to the counter to wait for the food.

I check around the corner again and I see no sign of him, so I run for the back door and I don't stop running until I make it back to the car.

"Where's Gracen?" questions Jordie.

"She's still in there," I reply.

"Do I even want to know why you ran here," Clare asks.

"Probably not. Don't worry, it had nothing to do with Gracen. It was about almost running into a different ex."

"Which ex is...?" Clare was cut off by Gracen entering the car with the food.

"Food!" Clare, Jordie and I said in unison.

"You guys are so weird," Gracen says laughing.

"We are hungry, okay. It's justifiable," I joke.

"Sure. You owe me, Emery," teases Gracen as she winks at me causing me to blush.


Author note: Who else is hungry right now?

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