10: Regretful Drinking

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Emery's view

Our two years and six-month anniversary is coming up soon and even though we are not big on celebrating half months, I decide I want to surprise Gracen. She's been getting a lot of work lately for her program and I want to spoil my girl a bit. Even though we can't touch each other because we are so far away, doesn't mean we can't have a special night.

I've asked Jasmine to help me out and she agreed. The plan is for both of us to have a candlelight dinner, I know it's kind of lame and cheesy, but I want to try this. I think it will be cute.

Jasmine is helping get the same kind of food that I will be eating, she will also pick out a dress for Gracen beforehand and make sure that no one interrupts our date.

Since Gracen wouldn't finish her extra work until ten p.m. in her time, I have about two hours to set up my end of deal since it's 12 in the afternoon here in California.

I pick out a nice navy-blue dress which I know from previous experience Gracen loves seeing me in. I set up the table and put a tablecloth over it, find candles for the center piece and start cooking my meal.

I'm so excited, I can't help but start smiling. I can't wait to see Gracen's reaction. I know she will love this.


Gracen's view

I'm just about to finish the report that the professor asked me to right. Since I've been doing so good in his class he has asked me to help him with some of his studies which is why I have been working late hours at the school. It's around 9:00 when my professor comes back with three of his colleagues.

"Gracen, are you still working?" asked Mr. Davidson, my cultural anthropology teacher.

"Yes, but I'm almost done," I reply trying to finish up fast.

"No worries about that, Gracen. How about you come along with us to get some drinks. You have been working very hard and deserve a bit of fun. My colleagues would love to meet you and I'm sure you will have fun listening to their stories and research," he says.

I don't even hesitate to take him up on that offer. Going with them and learning more about his colleagues can really help me later with my career and I can learn a lot from this.

I finish the paper and grab my stuff to head to a restaurant with them. It's still early, so I have time to have some drinks with them and make it back to my dorm to skype with Emery. I promised her we would talk tonight because I haven't had much time to talk to her the last two weeks because of all the work.

We get to the restaurant and everyone orders food and a drink. We chat and I'm so entranced as all these renown professors tell me their research and all the places they have traveled. It isn't long before its already 9:30 and just as I'm about to excuse myself to leave my teacher orders another round of drinks.

"Won't you please stay, Gracen. There is still so much to talk about," comments Mr. Davidson.

"Yes, please do stay," adds another one of the professors.

I have no choice but to stay to finish the drink which I down fast, just about as I am to get up again, someone else orders another round of drinks. I don't want to be impolite, so I sit back down.

I really hope Emery understands why I won't be answering the skype call.

Two hours later....

You can say I am much more than just tipsy at this point, I don't even remember what number of drinks I have had, but I am enjoying the company of the professors. Half of them are passed out on the table, but another two are having a very engaging discourse that I just can't look away from.

My phone is buzzing for the fifteenth time, but I ignore it, it's just Jasmine again. I don't know why she is calling me since I sent her a text telling her where I am and not to wait up for me.

My professor Mr. Davidson comes back form probably throwing up in the bathroom and looks at the other professors passed out and the two fighting. "Well lads, I think it's best that we all go home now."

The rest of us who are still conscious agree and we help wake up the others. My professor calls us cabs to take us back to our places. I thank him for inviting me and get in the cab, the car ride back to my dorm is treacherous. It takes everything in me not to throw up and the minute I get out of the cab I run over to a bush outside the apartments and throw up. I wipe my mouth and groggily head into the apartments and make it up the stairs at a snail's pace back to my room.

The minute I open the door I am face to face with Jasmine who does not look happy at all.

"Where the hell have you been?" she asks loudly.

"Okay, calm down, mom. Didn't you see the text I sent you," I reply walking over to my bed and plopping down on my pillow.

"Didn't you see all the times I tried to call you?" she asks back.

"Yeah, why did you call me so many times?" I ask while barely being able to keep my eyes open.

"Well, it because your girlfriend made a very cute date idea for you and you completely blew her off to what get drunk with your professors," Jasmine yells at me.

"Wait, what?" I ask standing straight up now in confusion.

"You heard me. You have a lot to apologize for, to Emery tomorrow," Jasmine says.

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