7: Soulmates?

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Gracen's view

During the entire flight, I can only think about one thing, Emery.

Did I make the right decision? Should I have stayed? What will happen between Emery and me? Will we last the distance?

These thoughts kept repeating repeatedly in my mind preventing me from sleeping at all. So, when I finally arrive at my destination I am very tired and a bit grumpy.

Normally when I feel this way, Emery always hugs me tight and tells me how much she loves me. I miss her so much and it's only been a day since I have seen her. How am I going to survive for the next year without being able to touch her?

I get off the plane and walk around to find my bags and head out of the airport and see a man carrying a sign. When I got all the detailed information of the program, they told me I had to wait at the sign for the others, so we can be taken to our dorm rooms.

I'm a bit early and I must wait for the other students to fill up the bus that's going to take us to the apartments. I get in the bus and head towards the back to take a seat, so I can relax a little.

I check my phone for service, but it's no use. I must wait until I get to the dorms to get the Wi-Fi password to be able to send a message to my parents and Emery that I made it here safely.

Normally at a time like this, I would play games on my phone to pass the time, but I can't do that. So, instead I chose to look through my gallery to see pictures of my family, friends and Emery of course. Each picture I pass makes me get sentimental. I know that this is a stupid thing to be doing right now, but I can't help it. I'm homesick.

I keep scrolling through pictures until I reach one where Emery and I are hugging. I kept help but smile, we look so cute together.

"Hey, can I sit next to you? There are no more open seats and I don't really like sitting in the front with people," explains a girl standing next to me.

I look up and notice her hot pink jacket first, then her curly brown hair and friendly brown eyes. "Go ahead," I say moving my bag to let her sit next to me.

"Thanks, by the way, I'm Jasmine," she says shaking my hand and taking a peak at my phone, "Homesick?"

"I'm Gracen. And yeah, I am," I say sadly looking back at the picture.

"Is that a sibling?" Jasmine asks pointing to the picture on my phone.

"oh, no it's not. That's my girlfriend," I reply.

"Oh, my bad," she replies. Her surprised reaction makes me think that maybe she isn't fond of gay people, which would be very bad since she will be my classmate for the next few years.

However, to my surprise she adds, "She's cute! Lucky you! How long have you guys been together?"

I'm shocked. I didn't expect her to be so okay with me being gay. No everyone wants to talk about your same sex love life even if they are okay with you being gay.

"Why do you look so shocked?" she laughs, "I promise I'm not homophobic. I think everyone has a right to love whoever they want. So, don't worry, I support you 100%."

"Wow, thank you," I say beaming with happiness at the fact that this might be the beginning of a friendship.

"So, tell me about her," she says pointing at my phone again.

"Her name is Emery and she's best person to have ever walked into my life," I begin as the bus driver starts driving to the apartments.


Emery's view

"Emery, stop moping around," Jordie says as he sits down on my bed beside me.

"How would you feel if the love of your life is on the other side of the world," I reply, but it comes out mumbled since I have a pillow covering my face.

Jordie laughs and replies sadly with, "I already know the feeling, Em."

I sit up fast to look at him, I can see the pained expression he is trying to hold back. "Jordie, how did you deal with Ethan moving away for college?"

"Truthfully, I was devasted. I loved him with everything I had, but sometimes that just isn't enough," he explains.

"Is that what's going to happen to Gracen and I?"

Jordie scoots closer to give me a hug, "No I don't think so. You guys have something stronger than what Ethan and I had. No one can deny that."

"But what if, what if that's not enough? I though you and my brother weren't to be together."

"Look, Em, I don't know what the future holds for you and Gracen. But, I know you two, I know that you guys will fight for each other. Something in me is just telling me that you two are soulmates," Jordie says trying to cheer me up.

I look away and try to fight the tears from coming out, I know in my heart that Jordie is right. But, something is still bugging me. I have a bad feeling and I just don't know how to explain it.

Sometimes soulmates don't always end up together. Sometimes they don't always have a happy ending. I just keep thinking about my parent's marriage. They use to be so happy before, before it took a turn for the worse and they both suffered greatly.

I don't want Gracen to suffer in this relationship.

I don't want to be like my mom and dad.

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