41: Aiden's Got a Point

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Emery's view

"Aiden, I have majorly screwed up! My life is ruined! I will never find love again!" I whine as I sit next to my brother.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Aiden asked.

"Are you talking about your complicated love life?" asked Ethan coming into the room and sitting next to me.

"Yessssss," I whine as I cover my puffy face with a pillow.

"Can someone please fill me in on whatever is happening," begged Aiden.

"I love Gracen, still, but we can't be together," I mumble.

"Why not?" asked Aiden scratching his head in confusion.

"Because Gracen is leaving again soon," Ethan explains.

"So?" Aiden says.

"My god, Aiden you are too straight to understand," Ethen says.

"What the hell does that mean? Was that an insult?" asks Aiden.

Ethan rolled his eyes and grabbed the pillow from me, "Emery, I understand you are sad, but we have to get ready for Clare's reception."

"Okay," I mumble and head upstairs to change, but I could hear my brother's conversation.

"What don't I understand about being non straight?" asks Aiden.

"You have it easy because you don't have to explicitly tell people you are intending to be homo when you flirt with them. Plus, same sex relationships can sometimes be complex," Ethan explains.

"What the fuck. That's so weird," answers Aiden making me laugh a little.

I quickly change into a dress and do my makeup and go down to find my brothers dressed nicely. We get into the car and head to Clare's reception. My brothers get out and I stay in the car dreading the moment I see Gracen. This will be so heartbreaking, but I need to be there for Clare, so I get out of the car. We head inside and I immediately find Clare and give her a big hug and I walk around to find Jordie.

I greet everyone here and make my way to find my seat and I look across me to see the name tags and there's Gracen name staring right at me. Holy crap, Clare sat her right in front of me. Ethan comes next to me to sit down and notices that I'm trembling.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Gracen will sit in front of me," I answer.

"Well shit. Clare doesn't know you guys said goodbye yesterday," he adds.

"What am I supposed to do, Ethan help me," I beg.

"Switch the name tags?" he suggests.

I quickly get up and head over to the other side to swiftly change the names, but before I can grab it Ethan yells, "Why hello there Gracen," to warn me. I back away from the name tag and turn around and I open my eyes wide in shock at how beautiful Gracen looks tonight.

"Hi Ethan. Hey Emery," she says.

"Okay, everyone please take a seat," announced Clare and Riley. I have no choice but to go back to my seat and sit across from Gracen. I try my best not to make eye contact, but I can't help but glance at her and see her biting her lip looking directly at me. I turn red and look away trying to make conversation with Ethan to distract me from how gorgeous Gracen looks.

"Do people want to make any toasts?" asks Riley.

"I would!" says Aiden getting up and Riley hands him a mike.

"What the hell is he doing? When did he decided to make a toast?" I ask Ethan who shrugs.

"Um, hello everyone. I just wanted to make a toast to Clare and Riley's love. I've known Clare for such a long time and she is such a lighthearted and fun person. You are a lucky man Riley, make sure to take care of her. I know that she will love you unconditionally and that you will love her with the same passion. That love there, is something very very special, it's something that should be fought for! Because that love only comes once in a lifetime," Aiden says looking around the room to make eye contact with me.

"What does that little shit think he's doing?" I mumble to Ethan.

"Is he trying to give you advice through a toast?" asks Ethan to me.

Aiden continues, "So, give it your all, regardless of the potential of heartbreak because if it's true then you'll be happy the rest of your life. And I believe that Clare and Riley will forever be happy. You guys are meant for each other. I may not have much experience with love of any kind, but at least I know this much," he finishes.

"He has a point, you know," Ethan whispers to me.

"Shut up. I know," I whisper back.

God damn it, I want Gracen. I want her in my life. I want that happiness that Clare and Riley have. I know that I love Gracen and I have to try to fix things. I can't lose her again; I would be an idiot to give up on this second chance. Though Gracen has probably had it with my moody changes. I hope she can forgive. I pray she does. I love her so god damn much. She's everything to me.

I look over at her and catch her having a conversation with the person next to her and I can't help but stare a little. She's stunning and I have to do something to show her that despite everything, our relationship still deserves a shot.

Suddenly, Gracen glances at me and I can't help but smile at her and wish she was in my arms.

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