16: Moving On

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Emery's view

I am so nervous for tonight. I have a date with Colby and I don't exactly know how it will go. In my previous attempts to date it has gone really bad, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, but he assured me that if it wasn't a good date we would forget about the idea of us together.

I quickly got changed and waited a few minutes for Colby to arrive. We got in his car and we drove to a restaurant. I have to admit Colby cleans up very nicely. He is so handsome; I guess I just never really noticed how attracted I am to him until now.

We get inside the restaurant and order our food; while we are waiting we decide to talk about our classes. I'm glad that we have something in common and that we already know each other well, if I was going on a date with a stranger it would have been so awkward. However, it's really easy to talk to Colby, nothing feels forced with him.

He is such a genuine person and has been there for me since day one when we became friends. I feel kind of bad that I overlooked him so many times, he is a catch.

Just as I finish my meal, the waiter comes by with desert. A chocolate molten slice of cake!

"Yum! But, we didn't order that," I try to explain to the waiter.

"I actually asked for it ahead of time, I know you love chocolate cake so much and decided to get a slice before leaving," Colby says.

"That's so sweet!" I say as I immediately start eating the slice.

"I know you would love it and devour it, so I asked for two," he said as another waiter came with a second slice.

"Damn, you know me to well," I tell him.

"Well, we have known each other for a long time," he adds.

After the dessert we head to the movies, we buy tickets for a comedy. I'm glad he chose a comedy instead of a horror movie; he actually pays attention to me. Unlike Clare or Jordie, who only half listen to me sometimes.

The movie is really funny and I am enjoying myself so much for once. I look over at Colby, and he has this adorable stupid grin as he watches the movie. He's a great guy and I couldn't have asked for a better date, so I grab his hand and hold onto it for the rest of the movie.

When we get out and drops me off at my apartment, I thank him for the date.

"So, would you call it a success?" he asks shyly.

"Yes. I'll be expecting that second date," I say back.

"I can't wait to pick you up for the second date then," he says sweetly before leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I sigh as he pulls away, just before he turns around to leave, I grab his arm and make him face me. I stand on my tippy toes and give him a small peck on the lips.

"Goodnight, Colby," I say as I see the cutest smile develop on his face.

As I close the door, I can't help but be happy, everything in my life is going really good.


Gracen's view

I wake up as the sun shines through a crack in the curtains. I groggily get up and look around; I can't seem to remember where I am. I turn and notice, the naked figure sleeping next to me. I yawn before getting up and taking another look of the girl before walking over to my clothes on the ground.

I quickly change and head out of this girls apartment. I make my way to the nearest coffee shop to get an expresso and head back to my dorm.

"Oh look who finally decided to come back," Jasmine says as she notices me enter the room and plop down on the bed.

"How have you not slept with every gay woman in the area yet?" Jasmine asks chuckling.

"This is a huge city," I say taking some aspirin for my hangover.

"I know, yet, I'm astonished that this is the third girl you have slept with this week," she says.

"Are you keeping tabs on me now?" I tease.

"No, I'm just wondering when you might get an STD," she teases back.

"Very funny. I'm clean, okay. I get tested every few months," I reply back.

"I know you do, but I still get worried about you. You need to stop at some point, Gracen. One day, it's going to get tiring to go to bars, get drunk, and sleep with different girls every other day," Jasmine says.

"Don't worry, Jasmine. I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine," I say to her as I get ready for class.

She sighs and waits for me. I Finish and follow her to our first class of the day.

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