30: Let's Make a Plan

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Gracen's view

Clare called me to meet up with her tomorrow at her apartment and made sure to warn me that Emery would be there too. I thanked her and paced around my room trying to figure out how to apologize to her. I stopped in front of my mirror and started rehearsing what I might say to her.

"Sorry for getting jealous, but it's because I might still have feelings for you," I said out loud and then groaned at how stupid I sounded.

"I didn't mean to talk about your asshole of an ex. Please forgive me?" I said and covered my face with my hands at the embarrassment at how I sounded.

"Yeah, you shouldn't say that," commented my sister as she entered the room and sat on my bed.

"I have no idea what to say," I say lying down on the bed.

"How about saying sorry," she said smirking.

"No shit. I mean, how do I apologize and tell her how I feel," I ask.

"Just be honest Gracen," she answers.

"I tried that and I sounded like a freaking crazy jealous ex-girlfriend," I retorted back.

"Don't bring up anyone, just talk to Emery one on one about how you feel about her," Spencer advices.

"Okay. Wish me luck tomorrow."

The next day, I drive over to Clare's and before knocking on her door I just wait outside resting my head against the wall trying to calm down. Will she forgive me? Will she feel the same way? What the hell could go wrong? Crap, I should not think that because so much could go wrong.

"Gracen, are you okay?" Emery asks from behind me.

I whirl around and face Emery and damn she is beautiful and I can't t help but stare and then I realize I haven't answered her back yet.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Also, I've been meaning to say..." I get cut off as Jordie opens the door and looks at us in surprise.

"What are you two doing out here? Come on in guys," he says ushering us inside.

"Your back already, Jordie?" Clare asks.

"No, I never left, but Gracen and Emery are here," he yells.

He turns to us saying, "Clare is getting ready and I'm going to get doughnuts. When I come back we'll go looks for table decorations."

Jordie exits the apartment and Emery nervously sits down far away from me on the couch.

I sigh and get up to sit a little closer to her, "Emery. I just wanted to say sorry for how I was acting the other day. I had no right to say any of those things."

"It's okay, Gracen," she quickly says.

"Okay, that's not the only thing I have to get off my mind..." I get cut off by Clare walking into the room.

"Morning, guys," she says plopping down in between Emery and I and I'm mentally face palming now. I can never say anything because everyone loves interrupting.

After a few minutes, Jordie returns and we go decoration shopping. No matter how many times I try to find a way to get Emery alone to talk, everyone pops by. I've already yelled at the manager and some employees after they asked me multiple times if a need help while I'm about to explain my feelings to Emery. Finally I give up and just follow Clare around as she picks out a pretty tablecloth and silverware for the wedding.

After five hours I finally make it home and I'm so exhausted that I immediately lay down on the couch without saying a word to my family.

"So, I take it Emery didn't react the way you wanted her too?" asks my mom.

I look up at her in shock and then the realization that she knew crossed my mind and I sit up yelling, "Skyler! Spencer! I'm going to kill you guys!"

I run upstairs to my sister's room and barge in seeing Skyler hiding behind Spencer who is holding up a pillow to defend herself.

"So, Gracen, how did it go with Emery?" squeaked my little brother.

"Not as great as I hoped, but she took my apology," I said siting down on the bed.

"Did she not feel the same way?" asked Spencer putting down the pillow.

"I actually didn't have the chance to tell her how I felt," I explained.

"You have bad luck with timing, sis," Skyler says laughing.

"I know," I mumble grumpily laying down face first on a pillow.

"All you need to do is get Emery away from everyone else and be honest with her," advises Spencer.

"How do I do that, I doubt she will want to hang out with just me," I answer back.

Skyler jumped off the bed yelling, "I have a plan!"

"I'm skeptical that it is a plan," comments Spencer.

"It's a good plan!" Skyler retorts.

"Then what are you waiting for, tell me," I beg.

Skyler walks closer to me and explains, "Emery's sister goes to my school. She's in kindergarten."

"What the hell does that have to do with the plan?" I ask in disbelief.

"Let me finish talking!" Skyler says covering my mouth.

"Pick me up from school tomorrow and you can miraculously bump into Emery and ask her if she and her sister want to have lunch with you and me. That way I get to eat for free tomorrow and distract Luna, while you get some alone time with Emery," he continues explaining.

"Holy shit, you're an evil genius," I comment.

"I know," Skyler smirks. 

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