23: Falling?

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Gracen's view

The moment I see her on the couch, the first thing I thought about was damn, she still has a nice but. Second thing I thought about was how I was going to freak out when she turned around and make a fool of myself somehow. I heard someone in the kitchen, but I could not take my eyes of off her for one second. Then she slowly turned around and I could have died right there and then and be perfectly okay with it because seeing Emery's adorable rosy cheeks and her alluring blue eyes and her beautiful lips were so much to take in. All I wanted was to run over to her and kiss the hell out of her, but I restrained myself.

Then my staring at Emery was rudely interrupted by Clare, but then I was given the chance to hug Emery and it made my day. Holding her in my arms again felt like the most natural thing in the world and I never wanted to let go of her, but for now I have to. I couldn't help but smile at her, for a moment everything felt perfect. Being near her, felt perfect. I live in an imperfect world, but she somehow just makes everything right. I looked at Emery and every emotion came crashing through and if Clare and Jordie weren't there I would probably cry.

Then we headed in the car to get to the store to pick out flowers and silverware for Clare's wedding and thank every god from every culture because I got to sit next to Emery in the car. Even though I could tell she was nervous as hell because she was shaking a little, but I didn't say anything. I understand this all must be so confusing and surprising for her, so I let her be. But of course, I did steal glances at her every once in a while. How could I not? She's absolutely beautiful.

We finally got to the place and went inside. Jordie and Clare went to go talk with the manager about getting the best deals. When I turned around to look at Emery she was gone, I walked around the store and finally found her bending, looking at the engagement rings. I walked up behind her and saw her looking at a ring with a beautiful blue diamond.

"See something you want?" I teased.

Emery jumped forward from freight and slammed her head against the glass. I immediately walked over by her side and she was rubbing her forehead from the hit. I felt terrible and I pulled her hands away from her head so I could check if she might get a bruise. I held up her chin with one hand and was touching her head with my other hand. It looked like she would be okay, so I looked down at her and just realized how close we were. I could lean down a little right now and kiss her, she looked so cute with her blushed red cheeks and I could see a spark in her eyes, but I didn't want to freak her out. I let go of her and took a step back.

"I guess some things like your clumsiness never change," I tease her.

"Let me remind you, I always get hurt with you. You're the one always taking me by surprise," she said smiling.

"I'm glad that's something I could always do to you."

Emery smirked and looked back at the rings before turning to walk away, but of course I had to be an idiot and keep talking.

"See yourself getting married?" I asked.

Emery turn to look at me in confusion and I point to the rings, "You were looking at them like you were quite interested."

"No, I was just looking, that's all," she replies.


"No. Love and I don't see eye to eye lately," she jokes.

"You guys did at one point in time, I'm betting you two will in the future again."

"Who knows, time goes on and we don't always get a happy ending," she replies.

"I like to have faith. I learned that from you."

"I'm a very wise person, a lot of people learn from me," she teases making me laugh.

"Sure, whatever you say."

We walk back over to Jordie and Clare, but Emery accidentally trips over the rug and I grab her just before she hits the ground.

"Thank you," Emery says as I help her back up.

"See, Em. Even with time, things don't change. I'll still always catch you when you fall," I blurt out.

Emery looks up at me and I could see glimmer of some deep emotion in her face, but then she quickly pushes it aside and answers, "Don't worry. I won't fall again."

"We'll see about that," I say as we finally reach the others.


author note: Enjoy ;)

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