47:Back to You

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(One of my readers recommended this song to me for my story a long time ago. Sorry I don't remember who it was, but thank you.)

Emery's view

The next few says rushed by so fast, but they were my favorite days because I spent almost all of them with Gracen. I would spend hours at her house, hanging out with her siblings and her or calmly lying in bed with Gracen's arms wrapped around me. I was taking in every single second with her, branding each wonderful moment in my mind.

Three days left.

Three days before the love of my life would have to go back to school. I was sad to imagine her leaving, but I knew it wasn't goodbye like last time. This time, we were determined to make it work and be together afterwards. However hopeful I was, it didn't stop Gracen from being terrified of leaving.

Today hit her hard when she looked at the calendar, so it was up to me to bring a smile back to her face. So, I devised a plan with her family to make sure she remembers this day for a long time as a day filled of joy. The night before I stayed over and in the morning today I got up early and sneaked out of her room. I met up with Skyler and drove to the store to buy a crap ton of balloons to fill with water and I got a few squirt guns.

We went back to Gracen's home and Skyler and Spencer helped me fill every balloon with water. Their parents made sure that every squirt gun was filled with water too and I helped everyone put war paint on their face outside as we waited for Gracen to wake up.


Gracen's view

I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the light as I grabbed around for Emery, but I couldn't feel her. I open my eyes wide and look around the room for her, but she wasn't here. I wonder where she went? I stretched and got up and headed downstairs to greet my family, but no one was there.

"Mom? Dad? Siblings?" I called out, but got no response. I searched around the house for them, but couldn't find anyone. Then I decided to check the backyard, it went out and closed the door behind me and right when I did that everyone yelled my name before water balloons hit my body and exploded getting me all wet.

"What the heck?" I asked trying to wipe water from my face.

"We are having a water balloon fight. So, grab a balloon or squirt gun," answered my mom hitting me with another water balloon.

"Whose idea was this?" I asked grabbing a water balloon and throwing it at my brother's face. I laughed as it exploded on his head.

"Emery's. She wanted you to have fun instead of being sad about leaving soon," answered Spencer narrowly dodging out of the way as I throw a water balloon at her.

I look in Emery's direction and I walk over to grab her and kiss her. Then I pull away and smash a water balloon on her head and laugh as she wipes the water off her face.

We have an all-out water war all afternoon until a breeze kicks in and we start shivering and decide to stop and go inside. Everyone heads to their room to change and I grab Emery's hand and pull her into my room. I let go of her hand as I close the bathroom door and start stripping in front of her.

"Well, don't just stand there, Em. Take of your clothes and help me in the shower."

"Okay. I won't make you ask a second time," she says laughing and enters the showers with me after taking her clothes off.

After that day, I made sure that she stayed to take a shower with me the next two days and I make sure that her stay was worth it.

On my last day, I take my time to say goodbye to each one of my family members and I hug them one last time before getting into Emery's car and driving off to the airport. Emery tries to make the drive upbeat by playing my favorite songs and singing horribly to them, she succeeded in making me laugh the whole time.

When we park at the airport, Emery helps me with my luggage and we walk inside to the check in area. She waits in line with me and then I get my ticket checked and luggage taken and I hold on tightly to Emery because I don't want to leave just yet.

"Hey, as much as I don't want you to go, you have to or you will miss your flight," she says rubbing my back gently.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Emery," I whisper.

She pulls away and grabs my face so that I'm staring into her eyes, "Everything is going to be okay. You are going to get on that plane and finish the last six months of your scholarship and you're going to come back home to me. Don't worry, my love for you won't end, it will just grow."

Emery leans in and kisses me one last time and lets me go. I look at her lovingly and say, "I love you."

"I love you too," she says and I turn and walk to through security to be checked. This time my heart isn't breaking, it's fixing the cracked parts because I know that everyone I love will be waiting for me when I come back home.

I finally get on the plane and just when I take a seat, I get a text message from Emery.

"I miss you already. ; D Have a safe trip and I love you so freaking much."

I smile at the text message and quickly reply then turn off my phone and look out the window as we take off and fly above the clouds.

I'm going to make the most of my last six months traveling around. I'm going to make sure I memorize every Knick and cranny of every city I go to. I will brand the beautiful scenery, monuments, statues and architects of the places I travel into my memory so that one day I can take Emery to everywhere I have been. I'll show her the beauty of the places, people and cultures. I can't wait to share all this with her forever. 

                                                                                    The End


author note: Don't worry this isn't the last chapter. I will add one or two chapters of epilogue. You will see another small time jump of their lives in the future. I just felt like i couldn't leave it here, you guys need to see how their lives panned out.

These characters hold a very dear place in my heart since this was the first story I ever wrote.

The next update will be sometime next week. Have a great day everyone.

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