35: Goodbye

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Emery's view

After a few minutes of debating where to eat, Jordie and Clare finally picked place. When we sat down at our table, I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to sit next to Gracen, but I was wrong. Why can't I eat my food in peace without having to constantly blush because Gracen keeps looking at me adorably. Just when I was about to take another bite of my burger I felt someone lightly tap on my shoulder and when I turned around my smile faltered as I looked at Colby.

"Hey, Emery. Hey, guys........Gracen?" Colby said looking shocked.

"Hi, Colby," Gracen forced out looking at him with daggers.

Colby looks at her agitated and looks down at me begging, "I need to talk to you please, about the other day."

"I don't think that's a good idea. And, frankly I don't feel like talking to you now, Colby," I replied.

"Please, Emery. I just want to explain," he begged again.

I sighed and decided to get up, if I don't go talk with him now he would probably stay here begging during our dinner. I turn to everyone and say, "I'll be right back." I look at Gracen, but she refuses to make eye contact with me.

I walk outside with Colby and ask, "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"What's Gracen doing here?" he questions me.

"She's visiting and helping with Clare's wedding. Why?" I ask him.

"She's why you broke up with me, right?" he angrily guessed.

"No. We broke up before I even knew she was back," I said getting pissed off at him.

"But, not even a few weeks have passed and you went running back to her. Wow, I thought you were better than that," he yelled.

"Hold the fuck up. Gracen and I are not together. Secondly, you have no right talking to me like that," I yell back.

"Then what the hell are you guys? I doubt its friends, you two look too cozy around each other for that," Colby says.

"Colby, this is none of your business. Also, being the jealous ex-boyfriend doesn't suit you," I retort walking away from him.

"You know she's just going to leave again, right. Just like last time, then what are you going to do," he says catching up to me.

"She can do whatever she wants, I don't care," I reply.

"Yeah, right. Why the hell do you always seem to go back to her, Emery? Admit it, you still love her, don't you? That's why you broke up with me, is it?" Colby asks.

I feel the rage build up inside me and I turn around to face Colby and say, "Fine, okay, yeah I still love her. How the hell are you ever supposed to stop loving someone that you thought you were going to be with for the rest of your life."

"So, you used me to get over her?" Colby assumed.

"Let's get one thing straight. I never used you, you were the one who came after me and I honestly thought I could love you, but I can't. I'm sorry, Colby, but you need to get this in your thick skull. Now get out of my life and move on, be with someone who loves you back. Bye, Colby," I said walking away from him back into the restaurant.

When I make it back to the table, I notice that Gracen is missing. I turn to Clare and ask her, "Where's Gracen?"

"She just left. Something about not feeling good," Clare answers.

"For fuck's sake," I mumble on my way out of the restaurant to catch up with Gracen.

I look around the parking lot and see her across the street walking, I try and catch up to her. When I finally get close I yell her name. She turns around and I can see her eyes are watery, but she angrily says, "What the hell do you want?"

"Gracen, just let me explain what happened..." she cuts me off.

"Explain what? How you're confusing the shit out of me. One minute I think we have something going on between us and then you're with Colby," she yells at me.

"Hold up! I was literally telling Colby to fuck off and that I don't want to see him again...Wait! I'm confusing you, do you not realize you're the one playing with my feelings," I retort back.

"How the hell am I playing with your feeling?"

"You're kidding, right? You are making it so hard to contain myself by kissing me and touching me," I explain.

"Why are you restraining yourself, Emery? I don't understand. I know you love me just as much as I love you."

I feel tears start to roll down my cheeks and I can't help my outburst of emotions now as I say, "You're right, I do love you, but you're just going to leave again. So what's the fucking point? Why am I going to go through all this again just to get my heart broken once more when you're gone in a week and a half!"

"Emery," Gracen says softly trying to walk closer to me.

"Don't, Gracen. Just leave me alone, please," I beg as I walk away from her and back into the restaurant. Jordie and Clare look up at me and by my red puffy face and the amount of tears running down on my face they can tell what just went down. They both get up and walk closer to me to hug me tightly.

"It's okay, Em. We're right here with you," Jordie says soothingly.

"We aren't going anywhere," adds Clare.

I cry on their shoulders with everything I have left in me. I'm crying because I might have just lost the one person who was everything to me.


author note: What are your guys reactions to this chapter?

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