27: Who's Calling?

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Gracen's view

I quickly change and head over to Clare's apartment again to help with the flower arrangement. Apparently, Clare can't make up her mind and she doesn't trust Jordie and Emery to pick flowers. Jordie let me in the apartment, while Emery and Clare were figuring out what venue to do for the wedding.

"Morning, guys," I say cheerfully looking at everyone, especially Emery.

"Oh my god, you brought doughnuts!" yelled Jordie and I handed him to box of the dozen doughnuts I bought before coming here.

Jordie eagerly grabs two and hands me back the box and I set it down on the table. I grab a napkin and pick up a glazed doughnut and walk over to Emery.

"Your favorite," I say as I hand it to her.

"You didn't forget," she says taking a bite and adorably smiling up at me.

"I'll never forget," I reply as Clare's phone starts ringing.

We all quiet down while she answers and hands a few papers, with phone number, to Emery and I to call and make sure the cake and food will be the right amount for the wedding. We sit at the table and I chose to call the cake company and everything seems right on schedule, I can't wait to take a bite of the cake Clare chose. I look over at Emery who is still on the phone and she's so freaking cute, I can't stop myself from being dazed while looking at her. All of my feelings for her come rushing forward and it takes everything in me not to grab the phone out of her hands and wrap my arms around her neck to pull her in for a kiss. Before I can celebrate in my restraint, I accidentally lift my hand to push back a strand of hair that was in her face and I keep my hand on her cheek. Emery looks at me in shock at first, but she relaxes into my touch. She hesitantly raises her hand to put it over mine and we just stare at each other for a few seconds and in that moment nothing else matters more to me except her.

"Hello? Um, miss are you still there?" asks the cake manager on the phone and I let go of Emery as she picks up the phone to answer.

I'm blushing pretty hard from that moment so I get up and turn to go to the living room, but there Jordie is staring at me with a smirk.

"Did you...did you see all that," I ask nervously.

"Yup," Jordie says taking another bite of his doughnut and he walks over to Emery who finished talking on the phone.

I get really nervous that Jordie will bring it up and I don't want to exactly talk about what happened or what might have happened if we didn't get interrupted.

"So, is everything on schedule for the food that will be served at the wedding?" he asks Emery.

"Yeah it is," Emery replies getting up and walking to the bathroom without looking at me at all as she passes by me.


Emery's view

I fast walk to the restroom as fast as I can and lock the door behind me. I look in the mirror and notice how much I'm blushing from the small contact with Gracen.

"Why the hell does this have to be so hard?" I ask myself out loud as I splash water on my face to calm down.

My heart is beating so fast and I try breathing deeply in and out, but I can't calm down. All I can think about is how Gracen had her hand rested on my cheek and I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I can't. I just can't. I can't get emotionally involved with her again; if I do then I'll be just as heartbroken as I was the first time we broke up. I honestly don't think I can go through that pain again.

Maybe if I distance myself from her then it won't hurt as much when she leaves again.

I finally calm down and get out of the bathroom to see hear that we were going to see a place that Clare and I thought the wedding could possibly be at. We headed to Jordie's car and this time I sat in the front instead of next to Gracen. Things were just too emotional for us to be next to each other now.

Most of the car ride was in complete silence and I was glad when we finally got to the place, the outside looked very elegant and the place was pretty large. We got out of the car and headed inside and got a tour of the venue and it was beautiful. We entered an open space with a lot of windows letting natural light in and it looked like a perfect place for the wedding for Clare and we headed out back to see the garden and it was so beautiful. There was a mini waterfall and so many beautiful flowers; it would be a perfect place for Clare and Riley to take pictures.

"What do you think, Clare?" I ask.

"I love it!!" she squeals and pulls everyone in for a hug.

She lets us go and I can't help but smile at Clare's happiness. Sure, I was a little jealous, but I know Clare deserves the best in life and I want to make sure she gets her dream wedding.

Just as Clare was about to say something, my phone rings and I look at it and see Colby's number pop up, but I chose to end the call. Then a few second later my phone rings again.

"You should answer it. It's okay," Clare says.

"No, it's not important," I respond, but my phone keeps ringing.

Clare grabs it out of my hands saying, "Who are you trying to avoid?"

She looks at the caller ID and sees Colby's name and asks me in front of Jordie and Gracen, "Why don't you want to talk to your boyfriend? If Colby's calling so much, then it might be important."

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