9: Poor Olivia

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Gracen's view

One month into the program and I'm loving everything. The classes are taught by wonderful professors and the culture of the city is amazing. I love Rome so much. There are endless sightseeing opportunities that never seize to amaze me.

After my afternoon class, Jasmine and I head back to our dorms to change to so that we can meet up with some other students to go have dinner. I get changed relatively fast, but Jasmine takes her sweet time trying to look pretty. She has a crush on one of the guys in our class, I'm mean if I wasn't gay I would be crushing on him too. The guy is handsome.

While I wait for Jasmine to finally pick an outfit, I decide to call Emery. After a few seconds, she answers the skype call, "Hey, babe," I say smiling at her.

"Hello, Gracen," she says back matching my smile.

"How's your day been?" she asks.

"Amazing, we learned so much today. It was so interesting. I have to tell you all the details later," I blurt out.

Emery chuckles, "I'll be waiting for you to recite me the whole lecture next time then," she teases.

"Don't tempt her. She will recite the lecture word by word. She won't pause to even let you go to the bathroom," Jasmine adds.

Emery laughs again, "Thank you Jasmine for the heads up. I'm happy that you are really loving it there," she comments.

"I do love it here, but I also miss you so much," I whine.

"Watch out, Jasmine. You are going to have to deal with homesick Gracen today," Emery says snickering.

"Oh god no! Not again. Quick, say something to make her laugh,' Jasmine yells.

"Stop teasing me, jerks," I pout.

"It's too funny not to, babe," Emery says smirking.

Suddenly, I hear loud sobbing coming from the hallway outside our dorm room. "What in the world is that?" Jasmine says slightly opening the door to check.

"Is everything, okay?" Emery asks with worry clearly visible in her face.

Jasmine sighs and closes the door, looking back at me she says, "It's Olivia again."

"Did she break up with her boyfriend, again?" I ask in disbelief.

"Isn't that like the third time?" asks Emery.

"Yeah. Come on, Gracen, if we don't help her calm down she will continue crying for the rest of the night. Remember how sleep deprived everyone was in the building the last time this happened," Jasmine says heading out of the room.

"You better go help Jasmine," Emery says.

"But I want to keep talking to you," I pout.

"Gracen, you can talk to me later. Go help that poor girl," Emery demands, "I'll always be here, okay."

"Okay, okay. Bye, Emery. I love you."

"I love you too. Have fun tonight," Emery says chuckling because she knows dealing with Olivia will not be fun.

We hang up and I head over to check up on Jasmine and Olivia.

"Can you believe that he broke up with me in a text!" Olivia sobbed out as Jasmine reassuringly rubbed her back.

"Maybe it was for the best? You know that most of the times long distance relationships don't work. Especially since the program is for three years," I hear Jasmine saying to Olivia as I walk in.

Jasmine immediately looks up at me shocked and says, "I don't mean yours. You and Emery are so good together."

"Wait, so Hunter and I were not good together?" Olivia cries out again.

"No, that's not what I meant," Jasmine tries to explain herself as she looks at me for help.

Ouch. Jasmine doesn't believe in long distance either. That makes a lot of people now. Do they think that Emery and I will break up eventually? Will Emery and I end up like Olivia and Hunter? Constantly breaking up and getting back together and being miserable?

"Hunter and I are not meant to be together!?" Olivia sobs out again.

Jasmine looks frustrated as she tries to calm Olivia down, "I don't know. Maybe it's time you move on from Hunter. He was an asshole. You should be out having fun instead of constantly thinking about him."

"Maybe you're right. He was mean to me a lot," Olivia whines.

"Yeah. You should distract yourself from him. How about you get ready and come with us to dinner. Surrounded by friends, you'll feel much better," Jasmine says. Olivia agrees and goes to change as we wait for her.

Jasmine can tell that her words affected me because I haven't spoken a single word.

"Gracen, you know I didn't mean you and Emery."

"I know. I just can't stop thinking about it though," I tell her.


"What if we can't make it three years like this? What if I end up like Olivia?" I ask her.

"Look, I don't know what the future holds, okay, but I just think you need to have faith. You guys are good right now, okay," Jasmine reassures me.

"You're right. I love Emery so much and I know she loves me just the same. We are going to be okay," I say.

"That's the spirit," Jasmine says as Olivia comes out ready to go.

I follow Jasmine and Olivia to the restaurant, I try to have a positive attitude, but I just have a bad gut feeling.


Author note: Who would be able to do a long distance relationship? I don't think i could, well maybe a couple of months, but not longer than that.  

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