11: You're Jealous

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Gracen's view

"Emery, come on, I've said sorry like a billion times already. I didn't know the adorable date you had planned for us," I whined to my girlfriend over the phone while pacing my room.

"I know, I know. But, I'm just still upset, okay. I shouldn't be, but I just still am," she replies quietly.

I sigh before speaking, "It's okay, Emery. You deserve to be upset. I know that we haven't really had a time to really talk about things lately. I'm sorry, babe. I promise that I will make more time to talk to you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Gracen," Emery remarks back.

"Hey, this promise I can keep. You know why, because I love you," I say trying to cheer her up.

"I love you too," she says sweetly.

"Hey, Emery, your group is here!" I hear Jordie yell from somewhere in the background?

"Group? Got a project?" I ask.

"You always were so curious," Emery chuckles, "Yes. In one of my classes we have to do a group presentation."

"Yuck, sounds horrible," I reply.

"It is. The only good thing is that I know my group pretty good, they are all reliable people," she says.

I hear a ding over the phone and Emery excuses herself to go answer the phone. "Hey, guys, come in," I hear Emery say to her friends.

Emery comes back over to the phone, "They just arrived, and we have a lot to do, so I will talk to you later..."

"Hey, Emery, I brought some food for everyone," a familiar voice says.

Emery pauses from what she was going to add and replies to the voice, "I'll be right over to grab some food, thank you, Colby."

My heart dropped at the sounds of that name. Oh, hell no, not that sleazy asshole, who is always being way to close for comfort around Emery.

"Hey, I'll talk to you later, I love you," Emery says hanging up the phone before I could say anything.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. I thought she would never see that jerk again after last semester!" I say out loud.

"Who are you talking about?" asks Jasmine, who is barely waking up.

"This Colby guy, I never really liked him!" I explain.

"Why? Are you jealous," she teases.

"What! No! Okay, maybe a little, but I have a good reason. He has always been crushing on Emery, I just know it. And now that I'm all the way over here, what's stopping him from making a move on Emery!" I whine out.

"Emery, is what is stopping him from making a move. I'm pretty sure your girlfriend can take care of herself and tell that guy to fuck off if needed. Anyway, it's not like Emery is hanging out with the guy alone or on purpose. He must be in her group," Jasmine says trying to calm me down.

"Your right. I have nothing to worry about. Emery loves me, and I love her too. Everything is going to be okay," I say sitting down on my bed. Yet I can't help, but get a gut feeling like this will not end well. But I know Emery, she would never cheat, she thinks that is disgusting.

"That little fucker better not lay a hand on Emery though," I grumble out.

Jasmine just laughs at me, "I find it hilarious that you are this jealous."

"I'm not jealous!"


Emery's view

I end the call with Gracen and walk back to my group members and Jordie, who likes staying at my place a lot. He keeps me company because I hate being alone. Ever since Gracen left, this apartment just doesn't feel the same, I always feel alone, but Jordie helps with that.

I sit at the table along with everyone else and we eat the doughnuts that Colby brought.

"Here, a got a glazed one for you. I know it's your favorite," Colby says sweetly handing me the doughnut. I thank him and can't help but think how thoughtful he is.

Colby has always been friendly towards me, but I suspect it's because he likes me. How many times do I have to reject the guy? Sure, now he just wants to be my friend, but I'm a bit skeptical. However, he seems like he would be a great friend, he's very caring and always likes cracking a joke. He helps lighten up the mood with the other group members who I don't really like that much.

Though I know, making a friendship with Colby, would really bother Gracen, but she must trust me. I would never cheat on her, that's wrong.

I just think it would be good to make another friend, if Colby actually means friendship. It would be nice to hang out with another person, Jordie has been working more lately and Clare is always with her boyfriend. Maybe Colby can help me make more friends.


Author note: Sorry i didn't update last week, it was a rough week for me, but i'll be updating more now. 

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