33: Shopping Sucks

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Emery's view

Imagine the feeling of a visiting a beautiful new place that seems absolutely magical that it takes your breath away, now combine that with the triumphant feeling of finding out you did better than you thought on a test. Add to that, the feeling of getting a refreshing cold ice cream on a freaking hot day and imagine the warm embrace that makes you curl your toes and smile for no reason when you see someone that you've missed for a long time. Now take all those images and cram them together and that's what it felt like to kiss Gracen. It felt wrong to break away from that kiss, but I had to. I have intense feelings for Gracen and I think it got magnified compared to the first time we were together, that's why I had to get out of that park, because if I didn't I honestly think I would have stayed there kissing her for hours. If it feels this amazing to kiss her, imagine what it will be like to lose her all over again.

No matter how hard I tried to think of anything else, I couldn't. I couldn't get the feel of her soft lips of off mine, I kept tracing the spot where she kissed me with my fingertips and I desperately wish she was here to kiss me again.

I knew I was in so deep this time, so I distanced myself as much as I could. I was only able to distance myself for three days before I got a panicked phone call from Clare, who was freaking out because she has yet to find a wedding dress and her wedding was in two weeks. So, Jordie and I met up with her as fast as we could and when we got to Clare's apartment, Gracen was already there. I said hello to her, but I tried to keep my distance and I wouldn't look at her. I know this is harsh and that it probably hurts, but we would be both devastated to get back together only to break up once again.

We head to a few wedding dress stores until Clare freaks out, "I'm never going to find anything!"

"Calm down Clare. We'll find you your perfect wedding dress soon," I reassure her as Gracen gives her a hug.

In the next store, Clare and Gracen waste no time looking for a dress while Jordie and I sit down on the couch to massage our legs from walking so much.

"We really could use your guys help looking for a dress," comments Gracen.

"Trust me, you don't want that. Neither of them have good taste in shopping. Frankly, if they didn't have me they would both look like hobos," replied Clare.

"Well, she's not wrong. But we are good for moral support," Jordie adds.

After a while, Clare finally goes into the dressing room with a couple of dresses.

"Jordie, have you found what you will wear to the wedding yet?" asked Gracen coming over to sit with us.

"Not yet," he answered.

"Well, then, what the hell are you waiting for? Go try on some suits," Gracen tell him and he slowly gets up to try some on.

Dam it, Jordie, why the hell did he have to leave me alone with Gracen. This will be probably be so awkward. I'm trying so hard not to look at her, but I can't help but steal glances at her. She looks so beautiful and all I want to do is stare at her, but that would defeat the purpose of trying not to get to emotionally involved with her.

"Emery, you know we need to find bridesmaid dresses," states Gracen.

"Right, ugh, dress shopping," I reply.

Gracen gets up and pulls my hand so that I'm standing up too, "Come on, help me look for dresses."

"Fine," I say grumpily following behind her.

Honestly I'm just pretending to look through the racks of dresses waiting for Gracen to pick out something for us to try on. I've never been a person that likes shopping; I actually kind of hate it. I look over at Gracen and she practically looks like a kid who has been given a big bag of candy, I on the other hand look like someone forced me to eat broccoli.

After a few minutes, Gracen pulls me toward the dressing room with a hug pile of dresses in her arms for us to try on. She hands me dresses and I slowly walk in a room to change to put one on. I turn to look at myself in the mirror and I look like crap.

"Emery, come out. I need to see how the dress looks on you and I need you to tell me how I look," Gracen yells from the other room.

I groan and walk out of my room saying, "Gracen, everything looks amazing on you, but it's the opposite with me."

When I see Gracen I can't help but accidently blurt out, "Besides, you look so pretty in that dress. Honestly, I think you will look stunning in every dress you try on because you're breathtakingly beautiful."

Gracen doesn't say a word and I look at her and she looks so shocked and taken aback, then I realize what I just admitted to her out loud. I turn bright red as Gracen continues to stare at me and I don't know what to do so I shrug and fast walk back into my dressing room. I face palm due to how embarrassing that was. At least I can take off this stupid dress now I think as I try unzipping the back.

As I zip the dress down it gets stuck and I can't fix it without help. The realization that I have to ask Gracen for help finally gets through my head and I open my eyes wide in horror. Oh god no, I try to fix the zipper, but I end up getting it more stuck. Crap, I officially hate myself now.

"Um, Garcen?" I whisper.

"Yeah. Why are you whispering?" she asks from the next room.

"I don't know. Anyway, the zipper to my dress got stuck, can you help me please?" I beg.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," she answers back.

Great, I'll be in a small private room with Gracen, what could go wrong. Oh god, I hope nothing happens.

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