40: Crashing Down

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Emery's view

I couldn't wait to talk to Gracen, so the next day I drove to her home and parked about a house away. I stayed in the car for such a long time, my heart was beating like crazy and I was so ready to go over there, but I couldn't move my feet. I was only slightly trembling and it felt like there was a swarm of bees in my stomach. After another thirty minutes pass I finally open my car door and slowly peak my leg out. Still trembling, I jump out and quickly close my car to prevent myself from getting back in and leaving. I turn over and look at the daunting house and slowly make my way over to it, with every step my heart thumped a bit louder. I climbed the small steps and made it to the door, I lifted my hand to ring the doorbell, but I stopped right before hitting the button. I started trembling again and I couldn't keep my hand still. I gulp and can feel myself starting to sweat.

"Emery?" said someone from behind me scaring the shit out of me.

I quickly turn and forgot about the overhanging plant because I smack my head on it.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Gracen asks coming to my side.

She pulls my hands away from my forehead and checks for bruising while I turn a deep red. Why do I always have to stupidly get hurt in front of her!

"I'm pretty sure you won't bruise. So, you're in the clear for Clare's wedding," Gracen said teasingly.

"So, what brings you here?" she adds.

"I um, I wanted to talk to you. If that's okay with you," I say stumbling over my words.

"Yeah, that's fine. Come in," she says opening the door.

I walk in and look around the room; it almost exactly looks the same as the last time I came here two and a half years ago. Walking around her house brought back so many memories.

Once we made it to her room, Gracen turned to me, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for being there for me," I started.

"Emery, we have been over this. I will always be here," she replied.

"That's kind of something else I want to talk about to. Well, I um...I um don't know how to say this, but I..."

"Spit it out, Em," teased Gracen smiling adorably.

"I can't stop my feelings for you. After everything, I can't. I don't want to," I finally blurt out after a few minutes of silence.

Gracen looks at me shocked, "Really?"

"Yeah," I whisper walking closer to her.

"Em, I love you," Gracen says leaning closer to me.

Our lips barely brush against one another as someone knocks on the door. Gracen and I jump away from each other as Skyler enters the room.

"Oh, hi Emery. Sorry, was I interrupting something?" Skyler asks with a coy smile.

"Uh, no?" I say hesitantly as Gracen replies, "Yes."

"Which is it?" Skyler teases.

"Hey Skyler, is Gracen here?" asks Spencer as she walks into the room too and looks shocked when she sees Gracen I together.

Gracen sighs and answers, "Yeah, I'm here. Did you guys need anything?"

"We brought you some dinner, but we didn't know that Emery would be here too. Sorry, we didn't bring you something Emery," Skyler said.

"Don't worry about it buddy," I reply.

"How are you Emery?" Spencer asks.

"I'm doing better," I reply.

"That's good to hear after your tough week. You should come by more often, I bet our mom would love to have you over for dinner some time," Spencer says.

"Um, okay, well we will give you guy's privacy now," Skyler says snickering as he pushes Spencer out the room and closes the door.

Gracen rubs her eyes in annoyance and I look around her room, remembering all the moments we shared here. I pace around the room and notice a plane ticket on her desk.

"So, you're leaving soon?" I ask with a heavy heart.

"Next week," Gracen simply answers behind me.

I try to hold my tears back and distract myself by looking around her room.

"Emery, about before," she starts, but I cut her off.

"I'm sorry about before. I should probably go," I say, but she grabs my arm.

"Emery, don't go. I love you."

A tear rolls down my cheek and I answer, "I love you too, but sometimes people aren't meant for each other, no matter how hard they try."

I kissed her on the cheek and walk out of her room; I leave her house and run back to my car. How could I be so stupid? Gracen has to go back and finish school. Did I really think she would stay? I can't believe I thought that us loving each other could fix anything.


Gracen's view

Damn this stupid ticket I thought as I ripped it up and threw it in the trash. I can always reprint it later. Why did I have to be so impulsive and get the flight already in the first place? Why did Emery have to tear at my heart again, it's not like I could have stayed, I have to go back and finish the school. I have no choice. I guess I was the idiot for thinking that somehow we could be together. Maybe Emery is right, maybe we aren't meant to be together. We tried before and it didn't work and it most likely wouldn't have worked a second time too. Maybe I need to give up on us.

I guess two more days of seeing Emery at Clare's reception and wedding and then we'll part ways for good. I don't want to accept it, but I don't see it working for us any other way. What if we keep on trying to hold onto something that was supposed to end a long time ago?


author note:

I swear, sometimes when i edit my writing i notice i'm evil. What's your guys reaction? Don't worry this is not the last chapter, close, but not yet. 

Also, I need to start packing for my trip since I leave in a few days. So i'm not sure if I will be able to update another chapter this week, but I will try my best to do so. No promises though.

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