Bloody Jerks

81 19 34

Hola y'all. How we doing?

So anyway, this is the story of what happened to me yesterday.

Once upon a time, there is this amazing number of jerks in my school. I was walking back to my locker, and someone was standing in front of it. I said politely 'excuse me', and the girl in front of my locker said this to me: 'Excuse you! I was here first!' So I said something I don't remember back to her, and then she said: 'Are you dating someone?' (In a really rude voice, I might add). I said no, and then she said: 'Well you should get a life. Start dating someone real fast. Or you'll be stuck as the uncool kid for your whole life... Oh wait... when would you ever get someone to like you? Silly me.' I said something else, which was something like an 'excuse me', and then this is the last thing she  said, 'Don't you ever swear? You're such a baby. I feel like I'm talking to a three year old.'

Really? Really? I'm going to say it one more time. Really?

How in the world could someone be such a bloody idiot? How in the world could someone  be such a bloody jerk? How is this even possible???

Anyway, of any of you guys have any stories about jerks being jerk-ish, feel free to comment and rant to me about them.

Puff out.

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