Hello anyone who happened to be snooping and found my book! My names Puff, and this is my rant book.
I honestly just talk about whatever I feel like, which I'm fairly sure is the purpose of rant books in general.
Anyway, if you would like to continu...
Anyway, last Saturday I went up north to have an "Easter" lunch-type meal with my family.
Anyway, it was really weird because it's snowing. In April. (Even though technically Saturday wasn't April yet, it was just the last day of March.)
So, because of all this lovely snow, we see the ducks and the geese, that have already migrated back, thinking Minnesota was going to be nice and toasty warm, walking in multiple inches of snow.
It's a little weird to watch, frankly.
But, you know me, I'm the one who, throughout the whole meal, is trying to get a picture of a duck butt. (You know, when they stick their noses in the water to eat.)
But of course the ducks were too dang stubborn! I mean, why wouldn't they let me take a picture of their butt in the air! (Okay, wow. That was a really weird sentence that should never be taken out of context.)
In the end I gave up, and then my dad, on the first try, got a picture of the duck's butt in the air.
I'm crying in the inside.
Anyway, here are my atrocious duck/goose pictures!:
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